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Retrieved February 27, 2022. ^ Thompson, Jason (March 3, 2011). "Sailor Moon – Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on November 12, 2016. Retrieved October 20, 2016. ^ "Kotono Mitsuishi Leads New Sailor Moon Crystal Anime Cast". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on April 28, 2014. Retrieved October 26, 2017. ^ "Sailor Moon Crystal 3rd Season's Premiere Date, Theme Songs Revealed - News".

[132] The finale of the series' Hope Arc earned positive reception for how it handled the respective finales of Makoto's and Hajime's/Izuru's journeys, despite lacking the appeal the original games had in the usage of antagonists. [133][134] According to Kodaka, Ace Attorney's success in North America was due to how it distinguished itself from most visual novels with its gameplay mechanics, which Danganronpa later built upon and helped it also find success in North America. [135] He further noted that the team behind the games were surprised by the popularity of the three games, claiming they were not aiming Danganronpa to be a popular game. As a result, he found that the franchise was so successful that it rivaled Atlus's role-playing game series Persona. [136] Anime director Tomohisa Taguchi was impressed with Kodaka's work at Danganronpa and it inspired him to make a new work together: the anime Akudama Drive. [137] Explanatory notes[edit] ^ An "Ultimate" is someone highly talented in a career or skill. References[edit] ^ Romano, Sal (15 June 2021). "Danganronpa Decadence announced for Switch". Gematsu. ^ "Spike Chunsoft, Inc. Invites You to Camp and the Ultimate Class Reunion, Announces a Global Sales Milestone".


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With Sasuke's Rinnegan and Kawaki's Kāma gone, it was up to Boruto to use his mark to bring everyone back. Boruto struggled in fear of Momoshiki re-emerging. This prompted Kawaki to speak bluntly to Boruto, insisting that they would find a way to free Boruto from his burden, but they must first return home. Ultimately, Boruto was riled up enough by Kawaki's provocation to access a rift, letting everyone return to Konoha. Boruto proclaimed he felt empowered when alongside Kawaki, who mocked Boruto for his sappiness. In the anime, Boruto's fear of being taken over by Momoshiki caused him to avoid sleeping. When Naruto revealed his Kāma progression was accelerating, he vowed to do everything he could to save Boruto, which was enough to ease Boruto back into being able to sleep. Chūnin Re-Examination Arc[] Main article: Chūnin Re-Examination Arc Boruto competing in the Chūnin Exams. In the anime, Team 7 decided to retake the Chūnin Exams. Passing the written test, the three genin advanced to the second test in the Forest of Death. Tasked with rescuing a mock injured ally while avoiding traps enemy shinobi within a time limit, Boruto was able to find his injured ally, but Kaito Kawanami stole the ally for himself.