tales of demons and gods chapter 136 ai you de mishi
^ Rogers, Jon (15 June 2007). "Grade facing challenge at 9pm". Broadcastnow. Archived from the original on 27 September 2007. Retrieved 24 August 2008. ^ Belcher, David (28 January 2008).I actually thought it was very realistic that some of the characters died. These sad occurrences keep the thrill and intensity alive. Unfortunately, one of my favorite characters was killed off :’( The Ok: You get the usual anime things like characters who walk, talk, etc after getting multiple deadly blows. The Bad: The "main plot" was average at best. I honestly found it paper thin after the first 5 episodes. It also felt strung together by a lot of convenient fantasy. The MC stays generic. Most of the other characters are plastic molds and lacking any real depth. Speaking of character depth: there are some Johnny-come-lately character development scenes upon the deaths or supposed deaths of some of the plastic-molded characters. Why not establish backgrounds, trials, and/or endearing things before people are taking their last breaths? Tons of fantasy and unrealistic occurrences to move the plot along: One of the most obvious being: The multiple fingers being given to the MC at just the right time to wake up Sukana. Remember when the plot entailed them looking for those fingers? That's pretty much been thrown out of the window to defeat critical foes.