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Ultimatia breaks down as Nebulim prevents her rewinding so many deaths, lest her magic run out. Crimson retrieves Ragna and retreats into his Globe Chamber, a spatial gateway between dimensions, planning to retreat to the moon for a few years. Nebulim, cursing his weakness when he is supposedly the Monarch with the highest potential, abruptly matures in power. Dreaming of Leonica, Ragna awakens and activates Silverine Battle Arts. Crimson panics as the silverine cracks the Globe Chamber, allowing Nebulim to sense their presence. His plan ruined, Crimson remembers a woman from his past just as the Globe implodes, randomly teleporting him and Ragna to a Lese army base commanded by Princess Starlia.

This whole concept of time travel makes no sense whatsoever, but it is what it is. His moving and emotional motivation to do this is the death of his former school friend Hinata Tachibana. Who he. He hasn't seen her for 12 years and has forgotten that she even existed. But after seeing her again as a teenager, he immediately realized that he had a crush on the 14-year-old. But before that, he didn't seem to care whether she lived or died. In between, many smaller events are part of the larger problem that the protagonist has to deal with. Ultimately, that's how the series plays out.
It's no surprise to know that the protagonist is often an "eyesore" and is very often completely overshadowed by popular supporting characters.


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^ Chart references: "New York Times Manga Best Seller List, February 22–28". Anime News Network. March 6, 2015. Archived from the original on March 16, 2015. Retrieved March 13, 2015. "New York Times Manga Best Seller List, May 3–9". Anime News Network. May 15, 2015. Archived from the original on November 16, 2015. Retrieved November 21, 2015. "New York Times Manga Best Seller List, August 2–8". Both featured films containing women who slowly lose their minds and grips on reality as they descend further into a fever dream of delirium and jumbled memory. It didn't just carry around psychology like some fashion accessory, but it made it a very real thing for the viewers looking on and the characters that took the plunge into the never-ending spiral of irrational flatlining.
See that the protagonist suffers a loss that he can't simply fix with a jump off a cliff. Have stakes. If respawning to checkpoints is the only way to advance the narrative, the very least the creators could do would be to place Suburu at the crossroad of a decision that would allow advancement only if someone else were to perish. Let there be permanent blood on his hands, not just a never-ending clean slate. Don't resolve psychological trauma like it's just some phase people get over after a few days. Don't just wave around psychology like it's a toy. People don't simply undo damage because the plot demands a rational mind in a given scenario. This shouldn't change even for Suburu. Embrace it fully.
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