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^ Loveridge, Lynzee (January 10, 2020). "Carole & Tuesday, Demon
Slayer, Vinland Saga Land Most
Nominations for Crunchyroll's Anime
Awards". Anime News Network. Retrieved February 18, 2021. ^ Goslin, Austen (February 15, 2020). "Demon Slayer takes home top prize at Crunchyroll's Anime Awards". Polygon. Retrieved February 18, 2021. ^ Schneider, Michael (January 18, 2022). "Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2022 Nominations
Include '86 Eighty-Six,' 'Jujutsu Kaisen,' 'Oddtaxi' (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety.
Ruel later teaches him how to identify minerals through tasting rocks and tracks. Adamaï Voiced by: Dorothee Pousseo (French); Joanna Ruiz (Season 1-2 & OVAs),[11] Cristina Valenzuela (Season 3) (English) A shape-shifting dragon who comes into contact with Yugo during their visit to the island of Oma and is
revealed to be Yugo's brother, born of the same dofus. After separating from his friends, Yugo trains alongside Adamaï in order to control his wakfu and stop Nox from his sinister plans. Following the Special Episodes, Adamaï has severed ties with Yugo and the Brotherhood, after Yugo attacked him in order to utilize the Eliatrope Dofus to challenge Ogrest. His current whereabouts are unknown, except that he is now allied with the Forgotten Brotherhood, led by Lady Echo. In Season 3, it is revealed that
Adamai joined Lady Echo's brotherhood of other god-offsprings, and now has a more adult looking half-humanoid, half-dragon form. He also stole the six Eliatrope Dofus from Goultard and attached them to his back, gaining incredible powers - he effortlessly defeats Percedal and tosses him off a cliff, sharing the scene via a mind-like with Yugo. He is after Percedal's kids, them being offspring of a god as well, so they can join the Brotherhood. However, after realizing that Oropo's plan involved letting the Elia Cube absorb the Dofu eggs, transforming it into a bomb powerful enough to destroy the worlds, Adamai betrays Oropo and sides with Yugo to fight back. He is last seen with his friends again after they fled to the realm of the gods before Oropo. Grufon (Skribble in the English dub) Voiced by: Damien Da Silva (French); Taylor Clarke-Hill (English) A minor Shushu, who has been trapped inside a map.
Ainsi, vous ne manquerez rien de la montée en puissance de la saison actuelle et serez prêts pour l’arrivée imminente de la saison 4 de Tokyo Revengers,
prévue pour 2025. À vos agendas et que la passion de l’anime vous guide! Pronostics et rumeurs autour de la saison 4 Quant à la saison 4, bien qu’aucune annonce officielle n’ait encore été faite, les indices et les rumeurs vont bon train. Les fans sont en droit de s’attendre à ce que l’anime fasse l’annonce de cette nouvelle saison dans les prochains mois, notamment lors d’événements majeurs tels qu’AnimeJapan 2024, qui se tiendra fin mars de cette année-là. Pourquoi une saison 4 est-elle attendue? La raison derrière cette forte anticipation réside dans l’engouement suscité par le manga et les précédentes saisons. Le dernier chapitre du manga est paru le 16 novembre 2022, laissant de nombreux
arcs narratifs ouverts à l’adaptation animée. De plus, les adaptations précédentes ayant couvert une grande partie du matériel source, il reste encore suffisamment de contenu pour alimenter une saison supplémentaire.