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rd. com/article/good-night-quotes/ Gushing over Magical Girls Manga - Read Manga Online Free Types Manga One-Shot Doujinshi Novel Manhwa Manhua Genres Action Adventure Avant Garde Boys Love Comedy Demons Drama Ecchi Fantasy Girls Love Gourmet Harem Horror Isekai Iyashikei Josei Kids Magic Mahou Shoujo Martial Arts Mecha Military Music Mystery Parody Psychological Reverse Harem Romance School Sci-Fi Seinen Shoujo Shounen Slice of Life Space Sports Super Power Supernatural Suspense Thriller Vampire Newest Updated Added Random Filter Releasing Gushing over Magical Girls Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete; Gushing over Magical Girls; まほあこ; Mahoako; Стремясь стать девочкой-волшебницей; Gushing Over Magical Girls; 魔法少女にあこがれて Start Reading Read Now Bookmark Manga 2,949 7. 79 MAL by 2,502 users Hiiragi Utena had always adored magical girls and envisioned herself as a heroic figure battling evil. When approached by a doll-like character claimi.He has no presence and is quite unnoticeable, a trait that goes well with his misdirection. He has also displayed much respect towards fellow passionate basketball players and thinks that while senpais have to have pride, kōhais need to have respect. [2] Despite his initial kind personality, Kuroko gets extremely furious at dirty play, such as when his teammates were threatened and injured by foul methods in the Kirisaki Daīchi game. His aura changes so drastically, that even Kagami gets scared when he sees him like that. [3] When Kuroko gets angry, it gets very hard to beat him, as he is filled up with fighting spirit. When the situation worsens, he seems to turn talkative. [4] Prior in his days in Teiko, he used to have more emotion, determination, and compassion for basketball at the 5th grade when he watched, he seems exasperated as he struggles for joining, when he is now a regular, he is somehow happy and smiling that he could die, however when Akashi, Aomine, and the rest of the Miracles where becoming distant, Kuroko was fed up due to his team's arrogance, cold-hearted play, and lack of joy for basketball, in the match between Meiko, he couldn't bear watching as he is now filled with sorrow, and grief, as a result, he quits the team and becoming antisocial, however, Ogiwara notes that Kuroko's eyes were just like the Miracles, but filled with warmth, he says to Kuroko to never stop playing basketball,through Mochida, because of this Kuroko is now determined to proved his style of basketball, as he chose Seirin due to their teamplay is filled with fun, encouraging him to join their team. He has metaphorically referred to himself as a "shadow. "[5] He means that he is playing for someone else, and that he becomes stronger when the "light" is stronger. The "light" would be the player he supports during a basketball game. During his Junior High school basketball career, his "light" was Aomine, and now it is Kagami.