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That is when Wapol bursts through wall allowing Vivi to escape by jumping into Wapol's mouth. Long Summary[] Imu says to a speechless Cobra that they have two things they wish to say to Cobra and only one thing to ask of him. Hearing Imu's name, Cobra comments how similar it is to one of the First Twenty. Imu, however, refuses to confirm his suspicions. Imu tells Cobra that “D. ” is the name of their opposers, but none of the people in the world that bear it know of its importance nowadays. Imu says that this recent development's roots goes way back then, which they say is because of a mistake Nefertari Lili made 800 years ago, on par with the scholars of Ohara investigating the Void Century. Imu says that it was all Lili’s fault the Poneglyphs were unleashed onto the world, and why pirates use them to search for treasure. Because Imu considers the release of the Poneglyphs the “worst possible outcome” for the First Twenty, they wonder if it was all part of some larger plan. As the Five Elders ready their weapons, Imu tells him that the truth exists in the letter Lili left, and they tell Cobra to address Lili by her full name as written on said letter. Realizing he will not leave the room alive, Cobra announces that Lili’s name is “Nefertari D.

After Takamura's match, Takamura informed Ippo that Date's punches were heavy because of people's feelings are connected to his fists. After finding out Mashiba was a junior lightweight champion now, Ippo got a call from Kumi asking him to come over for the celebration party. After the celebration party and encouragement from Mashiba, Ippo was requested to spar in the gym for the press with a Philippines junior featherweight fourth ranked boxer. After defeating the boxer, he sparred with Kimura with a strategy to defeat Date. Ippo hits Date with a liver blow at clinching range. When the day of the match arrived and with both boxer's in the ring, the match began. In the first round, Ippo guarded his left side to eliminate Date's Corkscrew Blow. Ippo and Date threw punches at each other with no punches landing cleanly until Date left his left side open after missing an uppercut. Seeing no way to block it in time, Date decided to take the hit and Ippo delivered a liver blow. Ippo realised that Date was waiting for him to attack to leave himself open and now he was open for Date to hit him as he was unable to block. Ippo was then hit with a left straight.


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I guess she’s a blonde, green-eyed beauty in questionably-designed armour who can swing a sword well. Sure she’s got it on the looks front but the show never once makes me feel like she’s worthwhile being the end goal of our main character – even taking into account the fact she’s helped him out before in some tough situations. In defence of Aiz she at least isn’t going completely head over heels for our white-haired friend. But in the face of that, she still feels like a soulless background object.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want a character study out of show about fighting beasts in dungeons and levelling up. You’d not be of sound mind to want that. I just want something entertaining with a cast I really want to cheer on. More personality and overall likeability could have been breathed into the group. My problems are only made worse by the fact that every piece of comedy missed the mark. Considering it makes up a large portion of the show you can imagine my frustration when some comedic intervals just dragged on and on. " What a freaking idiot. Also; seek 8: "Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss. " Add on 7: "Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority. " Now, reasonably NOBODY would cheat since any sad sap could accuse them of such trickery and thereby summon the Holy Jury to investigate. In other words, one might as well accuse the other of cheating during every turn! It would only be natural. Yet they CHEATED in the show! What fools they are! Now, one may be skeptical with regards to the omniscience of these divine beings.

Plot (9/10)
The protag has a simple yet twisted goal, he wants to be a normal-looking guy who is actually an eminence in shadow ie his alter ego is basically the strongest person although his named self is the normiest of normies. The show has Amazing pacing for an isekai, it wastes no time in introducing a new and vast cast, and still manages to make sure that the quirk and charm of these characters are well-balanced and explores it enough for a perfectly timed gag, the plot itself is basically shadow-making up crap that more often than not is a convenient flavor text for him, but a reality for the actual world is quite an interesting and hilarious take because to my knowledge he still believes that they are all roleplaying with him xD. It is quite the feat that so many characters have an intertwined story with each having a ‘role to play’ in shadow sama’s VISION.
I can't believe the number of waifus this show has produced in mere minutes of each of them being on screen, going from obvious fetish bait to quite endearing and adorable waifus with very distinct personalities. Within 20 episodes we get introduced to a whole slew of characters, and well its no wonder that all the members of shadow garden happen to be hot slime-wearing ladies UwU. but each gets their own time to shine si what makes them truly worth being invested in.