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I’m not only referring to overall productions that have been regarded as having some kind of meta remarks or supposedly-deconstructive genre assertions like *Neon Genesis Evangelion,* but even the casual remarks that characters make in any kind of story, like the above quotation I left. These kinds of remarks get chuckles for the basic reason that we like to pat ourselves on the back for recognizing a pattern and having the thing we watch acknowledge it as such. Considering the sheer degree of prevalence the isekai genre has enjoyed ever since the early 2010s, no doubt because it provides publishers like Kadokawa a lot of money, it makes sense that isekai too would become susceptible to these kinds of remarks from its own works.
But *The Eminence in Shadow* makes the mistake of assuming that being meta is the same as being funny or a worthwhile piece of entertainment. Glimpsing the greater picture, or making casual reference to things that viewers would recognize, is perhaps a short-term solution. But that does not guarantee that the inner substance of the story will be able to stand on its own two feet, either. Within its audience-conscious asides, it attempts to fashion a fantastical story of Cid Kagenou, a fashions-himself-as-the-ultimate-warrior man who attempts to make the best of both worlds, so to speak. Treating his reincarnated situation as the chance to live out his ultimate fantasy, he adopts the moniker of the background everyman archetype on one hand and the “Eminence in Shadow” in the other. Getting involved, investigating, and dispensing his own form of justice when he sees fit, he treats his new environment as a playground rather than being full of actual people with consequences.
Therein lies its initial draw, and its first real gag; take the common thought that many isekai protagonists have (that they’re either dreaming / don’t take their new situation seriously enough), and have it last for the entire show. This gag quickly devolves into overreliance; *The Eminence in Shadow* spends so much of its time with Cid making jokes about the isekai world, drawing upon his knowledge of its conventions and general structure.

We want them to survive. "[16] Relatives[] Kagaya Amane Hinaki Nichika Kiriya Kuina Kanata References[] ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 139 (Page 1). ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 47 (Page 19). ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 45 (Page 21). ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 46 (Page 5). ↑ Kimetsu no Yaiba Manga: Chapter 138 (Page 10).


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^ "Kodansha's K Manga app launches with 60 English simupubs among 400 titles". Sora News 24. May 10, 2023. Archived from the original on May 10, 2023. Retrieved May 10, 2023. ^ Mateo, Alex (October 14, 2023). "Kodansha USA Licenses Blue Lock -Episode Nagi-, Tank Chair, He's Expecting Manga". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on October 14, 2023. Retrieved October 14, 2023. ^ ブルーロック:テレビアニメは全24話 連続2クール放送 南野拓実選手が“名誉キャプテン”に. La jeune fille, se pensant très inférieure, n'envisage même pas cette toquade. Cela donne lieu à des scènes désopilantes faites de quiproquos et de situations gênantes.
A ces deux personnages, qui se partagent l'essentiel de la narration, s'ajoutent une série de personnages secondaires que l'on apprend à connaître et à apprécier.
Cette petite brique de 600 p. se lit très vite. On savoure mais comme pour les mangas on a un goût de "trop peu".
^ マングローブ - サムライチャンプルー. Manglobe (in Japanese). November 5, 2003. Archived from the original on December 2, 2003. Retrieved October 15, 2021. ^ 第1回 2004年5月19日(水)放送 あらすじ (in Japanese).