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Synopsis : Depuis la triple catastrophe du Tohoku, Tamon est devenu un chien errant et il voyage inlassablement vers le Sud. Sur sa route, il rencontre de nombreux laissés-pour-compte de la société :. MangasTakuji Ichikawa de retour en librairie avec la réédition de deux de ses romans05/03 : Dès le mois prochain, les éditions J'ai lu mettront à l'honneur un auteur japonais très plébiscité, dont les ouvrages ont régulièrement été portés à l'écran : Takuji Ichikawa. Le romancier sera en effet de retour dans les librairies françaises avec la réédition, au format poche, de deux de ses romans : Je reviendrai avec la pluie et Dis-lui que je l'attends. Respectivement parus au Japon en 200.
[124] Anna Neatrour of Manga Report gave a positive review to the first volume, calling its monster fighting, "buckets of gore", and humor "plenty amusing," and calling Denji an "incredibly damaged but potentially powerful hero. "[125] Reviewing the first volume, Danica Davidson of Otaku USA called the series "a little creepy" and "downright bizarre," adding however, that it is "a bloody, action-packed shōnen with some heart showing through the weirdness, and it's been very successful in Japan. "[126] Following her "read-a-thoning" of the series, Katherine Dacey of The Manga Critic commented that she finished it with a "grudging respect for Fujimoto's excessive, ridiculous creation, which entertained and repelled me in equal measure. Your mileage will vary. "[127] Ian Wolf of Anime UK News gave the first volume a 6/10. Wolf wrote that the main feature of the series is the action sequences, but criticized the lack of depth in writing, concluding: "Chainsaw Man has some things going for it and hopefully may well build up from a promising start. "[128] Fujimoto's art style has also been commended. Collins praised Fujimoto's penmanship, stating that the "thickly-sketched lines on individual characters and still moments convey the rough edges of [its] world. "[122] Dupree lauded the series' art style, stating: "as the Devil enemies of the story grow more powerful, his imagination for bizarre, abstract, and genuinely unsettling visual storytelling reaches heights I've never seen in a Jump series before. "[121] Beckett called the character designs and general linework "a bit generic at first glance," but that when "the carnage comes flooding in," the series "has a clarity of style and consistency of vision that can be wondrous to behold. "[120] McNeil said that the character designs, other than Pochita and Chainsaw Man, are "not memorable," but that the art "really shines for the creepy Devils, the action, and especially the gore.