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Anime News Network. Archived from the original on September 27, 2023. Retrieved September 27, 2023. ^ "Madhouse. co. jp" はじめの一歩 (in Japanese). Madhouse. Archived from the original on September 15, 2020. Retrieved January 9, 2020. ^ はじめの一歩 Vol. 1 (in Japanese).

Herman is ridiculed and refused service at the pub and leaves, then returns prepared to shoot them, but he finds everyone dead. Wim's bullies are shot dead, he thinks he shot them, but Grimmer finds the gun is still loaded. Both Grimmer and Lunge determine that the elderly man in the wheelchair was giving weapons to people in the town, and that the elderly owner of the Hotel Versteck is Bonaparta whose original name is Klaus Poppe. In Munich, Reichwein and Gillen show Nina an e-mail from Johan inviting her to Ruhenheim and Gillen agrees to escort her there. Back in Ruhenheim, the murders continue, led by Roberto. Bonaparta awaits his fate, prepared to die, but Grimmer swears that he will be publicly exposed. The Henichs arrive at the hotel, and using their weapons, Lunge decides to confront a ringleader who is reportedly at the Bergbach Hotel, while Grimmer prepares to mount defence at Bonaparta's hotel. Tenma arrives at Ruhenheim by foot and tries to evacuate some women and children. 71"The Magnificent Steiner's Rage"
Transliteration: "Chōjin Shutainā no Ikari" (Japanese: 超人シュタイナーの怒り)Ryōsuke NakamuraMasahiro HayashiSeptember 7, 2005 (2005-09-07)September 6, 2010 Grimmer binds the elderly couple as they prepare to repel any attacks. Tenma encounters Lunge who grudgingly apologizes for his previous accusations against the doctor. He asks Tenma take the waitress Else to the Hotel Versteck after she fled from Roberto.


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^ "《幽遊白書》-《YU YU HAKUSHO》". YouTube. Archived from the original on November 5, 2022. Retrieved November 28, 2022. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Yû Yû Hakusho: It's Only Supernatural – A Field Guide to Yû Yû Hakusho". Animerica. 2 (11): 8. 1994. Archived from the original on 4 July 2018. Retrieved 4 July 2018. Translated by Animerica from: Takahata, Isao (1991).