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La tante Sœur du père, elle recueille les enfants à la mort de leur mère, elle vit avec sa fille et un homme qui participent tous deux aux efforts de guerre. Au début relativement affectueuse, son aigreur, sa mauvaise volonté envers les deux enfants auront raison de leur bonne volonté. Ses critiques incessantes concernant leur inactivité dans l'effort de guerre ainsi que l'appropriation de leur biens finiront par pousser Seita et Setsuko à partir et à s'installer seuls. La mère Elle semble douce. Comme elle est cardiaque, Seita a tendance à la protéger. Elle mourra dans les heures suivant le bombardement de Kobe. Le policier C'est le seul adulte qui sera compréhensif vis-à-vis du comportement de Seita. Autour du film[modifier | modifier le code] Akiyuki Nosaka — l’auteur de la nouvelle La Tombe des lucioles dont la sœur mourut de malnutrition pendant la guerre — a toujours refusé que sa nouvelle soit adaptée au cinéma classique[4] : « Il est impossible d’arriver à retranscrire la terre brûlée et les champs de ruines qui constituent littéralement l’épine dorsale de mon roman[5]. » Elle a toutefois fait l'objet d'une adaptation non animée pour la télévision en 2005[6]. Le réalisateur dit s'être inspiré de Paulette, la petite fille du film Jeux interdits interprétée par Brigitte Fossey, pour la gestuelle de la petite fille (Setsuko)[7]. L'un des points les plus importants dans cette œuvre est le réalisme.

When Iga was trying to go in his own range, he used the Peek-a-Boo Style to dodge and block the Flicker Jabs. Ippo realised Iga's style is just like his and successfully predicted that Iga would get hit by an uppercut. After round one ended, Ippo witnessed Baron smacking Iga in the face. As Taihei and Kintarō became angry, Ippo guessed that it is how they won their matches. Ippo then told them that he got slapped by Kamogawa once in a match, but it was for encouragement, while Baron's reason is for winning. Ippo watched as Mashiba overcame his three weaknesses and defeat Iga, along with his coach announcing the relinquishment of the OPBF lightweight belt to move on to the world his next match.


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1. appreciate the most in media, which is “show, don’t tell”. This anime masterfully handles that by giving us virtually no real direction on the surface, but encourages the viewer to ponder on the events of each episode, pay attention to how the characters act, and recall past events to make a scene or reveal hit that much harder. It’s an anime that can generate a lot of discourse because it is just so mind-bending at times, and confusing, in the most wonderful of ways. It’s not exactly “unpredictable” either, but in order to get the full picture, some thinking must be done — I really appreciate that, as it makes for another level of engagement to the events of the anime. In many media, it’s the author who seems to be the one dumping the information, but in this show, it’s instead the viewers who might try to put two and two together, like a puzzle, to figure out what exactly is going on in the story. There’s no better feeling than when you put two and two together and find out your theory was indeed correct. It’s definitely a breath of fresh air from the constant info dumps in other anime, though there are still some info dumps in this show as well.
To give a gist of the setting and story, it’s set in a post apocalyptic world where human civilization was destroyed, man-eating monsters are all over, laying waste to the remains of the land, and threatening the lives of the survivors. ^ "【BJMA2013】はAKBが最優秀賞含む4部門を3年連続受賞、ライブ最多賞はモー娘". Billboard from-35459.html">Japan (in Japanese). December 14, 2013. Archived from the original on April 10, 2021. Retrieved February 15, 2021. ^ Thais, Valdivia (January 24, 2014). "Resultados de los Anime Awards Selecta Visión". HobbyConsolas (in Spanish). Archived from the original on April 10, 2021. Retrieved March 1, 2021. ^ "Selecta Visión ha sido galardonada con dos Premios en el pasado Chibi Japan Weekend Madrid 2014".
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