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1 - Ch. 132] Ch. 132 - 1060 days ago $localHistory_by_source_items[15125615]. _text_epi $localHistory_by_source_items[15125615]. _time_ago Source Duck (#15124227 / 79 chs) [Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Ch. 139] Ch. 0 - 1060 days ago $localHistory_by_source_items[15124223]. _text_epi $localHistory_by_source_items[15124223]. _time_ago Source Deer (#15203262 / 238 chs) [Vol.

Anime-Sama est un site gratuit, sans inscription ni abonnement, et ne vous demandera jamais d’argent pour son contenu. On apprécie l’organisation générale du site et surtout ses options de recherche et de filtrage. Vous avez le choix entre la liste d’animes et la liste de scans de mangas, et vous pouvez ensuite filtrer vos résultats par version française (VF) ou version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR).
Anime-Sama met à votre disposition plusieurs sections pour vous aider à mieux choisir votre prochain anime. Directement sur la page d’accueil, vous trouverez les sections classiques : derniers animes ajoutés, et des recommandations pour les nouveautés en animes et scans. Si vous aimez regarder des animes en streaming en VF ou en VOSTFR et lire des scans de mangas en ligne, c’est le seul site qui peut vous offrir les deux à la fois.


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It focuses on the character Suzaku Kururugi in an alternate reality, where he fights against the criminal organization known as the Black Knights. While initially bearing a strong resemblance to its source, the manga is a tokusatsu show where the Lancelot mecha is now a bodysuit which Suzaku wears (the suit makes a cameo appearance as a costume in the 21st episode of the first season of the anime); further, the characters of Cecile Croomy and Euphemia li Britannia are composited as Mariel Lubie. It was released in two volumes on June 26, 2007 and September 26, 2008. [53][54] The first English volume was released on January 6, 2009,[55] and the second followed it on October 13, 2009. [56] Code Geass: Nightmare of Nunnally (コードギアス ナイトメア・オブ・ナナリー, Kōdo Giasu Naitomea Obu Nanarī), serialized in Comp Ace and written by Tomomasa Takuma, focuses on Lelouch's sister, Nunnally Lamperouge who goes into searching her missing brother when her health is restored by an entity named Nemo. [47] It was published in five volumes from June 26, 2007[57] to April 25, 2009. [58] The English volumes were published from June 9, 2009[59] to March 23, 2010. [60] A fourth manga adaptation, Code Geass: Tales of an Alternate Shogunate (幕末異聞録 コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ, Bakumatsu Ibun Roku Kōdo Giasu Hangyaku no Rurūshu), was serialized in Kerokero Ace. [61] Set in an alternate 1853, Lelouch is the commander of the Shogunate's military counterinsurgence brigade known as the Shinsengumi, which fights the Black Revolutionaries, a rebel group led by a masked individual known as Rei. It was released on a single volume on October 25, 2010,[62] while the English version was published on May 10, 2011. [63] In late 2009, Bandai announced a new project greenlit for 2010. Retrieved December 22, 2022. ^ Emma Boyes (January 30, 2008). "Spot On: Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition". GameSpot. CBS Corporation. Archived from the original on December 21, 2014. Retrieved August 11, 2014. ^ Matthew Price (April 30, 2008). "Guinness brings gaming records to the masses". NewsOK. OPUBCO Communications Group.
09. Le film sera produit par Shigeru Miyamoto, directeur général chez Nintendo, ainsi que par Avi Arad, président de Arad Productions Inc. , qui a produit de nombreux films à succès. Nintendo et Arad Productions Inc. s'a.