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You can open the official domain of the site, create an account and watch your favorite anime without any hassle. Currently, the platform is not present in all regions, so you may need a VPN to access it. Visit the Site AnimeBee AnimeBee is another safe site and an excellent alternative to the Anime Sama platform. With an interactive interface and responsive site, the platform caters to the needs of anime fans properly. There is a search facility to fetch a specific episode in a jiffy and several genres to explore its massive pool without any unnecessary hassle. Visit the Site Animelab Whether you want to watch the top anime movies or shows, Animelab will offer you everything to keep you entertained. You can keep a custom watchlist on the platform to save your favorite episodes and movie titles. There is no need to buy any subscription plan on the platform to gain access to its massive library of content. Visit the Site Voiranime Drama, comedy, action, adventure, no matter the genre of anime content, Voiranime will offer you something to entertain your different moods. You can open the site on any device with a solid internet connection to enjoy the content on the platform. The site comes with a user-friendly interface that is easy to use for all fans.Le site est très bien conçu : le design est simple mais attirant, et la navigation est facile. On ne perd pas de temps à chercher son chemin. L’absence de publicité dans la page d’accueil et dans la page de recherche rend la navigation agréable. Pour la recherche, le site met à votre disposition un filtre avec de nombreuses options : ordre alphabétique, genre, studio, saison, type, année de sortie, auteur, anime en cours ou terminé. Le site est bien à jour et les derniers épisodes sont disponibles facilement. Il est très actif et on remarque tout de suite qu’il y a un très grand nombre d’utilisateurs.