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The uninteresting and overdone sorcery powers aside, this show wastes no time delving into every trope imaginable, from seemingly machine-generated hype culture pandering in the handling of its battles to overpowered characters not giving a shit what they're doing, and even dipping a toe into the most tried and failed shounen cliche of all, killing main characters to create a false sense of urgency only to bring them back a minute later. Yup, another show that thinks it's audience are a bunch of halfwits. And judging by the reception this show's getting, it might be right. "It isn't anything new, but at least it does things right, right?!" The Characters are extremely shallow. Main character is your typical Shounen protagonist, except with all the humanity and relatability removed. Instead of him having any likable traits at all, he starts as a blank piece of overpowered paper that is practically the definition of mary sue, with typical ignorance and stupidity to force a false sense of "endearing-ness" onto the character. He's so woefully uninteresting and unsympathetic, they force a relative death on him AND force him to ponder some meaningless shallow morality in the first three episodes just so that the audience doesn't tune out before they get to introducing all the other trite annoying quirky characters. And yes, they are trite quirky and annoying. There's a guy who beats you up if you don't agree with him on what type of woman is sexy, a guy who only speaks in rice ball ingredients, a girl who is inexplicably a douche, a bunch of random characters with shallow personalities and really hard-to-care-about backstories that interrupt the good animation. Also starring literally kakashi from naruto but more smug, literally shigaraki from MHA but more coherent, and literally kurama from naruto but more evil. Shounen keeps up its tradition of only adding characters based entirely on one note quirks that My Hero Academia unfortunately normalized.


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Retrieved May 3, 2017. ^ "Anime Expo 2017: A Silent Voice Coming to U. S. Theaters". The Outerhaven. July 1, 2017. Archived from the original on August 24, 2017. Retrieved August 23, 2017. ^ Ressler, Karen (July 1, 2017). "Eleven Arts to Screen A Silent Voice, Nanoha Reflection Films in U. S. Choisissez entre VF et VOSTFR, séries et films. Le site vous permet de choisir entre la version française (VF) et la version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR), et de regarder des séries ou des films. Recherche facile et intuitive. Pour trouver votre anime préféré, vous pouvez utiliser la barre de recherche, les filtres disponibles directement depuis le menu principal, ou naviguer sur la page d’accueil. 27-Voir-anime Voiranime. org : un site de streaming d’animes VF et VOSTFR populaire. Ne confondez pas Voiranime. org avec d’autres sites. Voiranime est un site de streaming d’animes VF et VOSTFR populaire. Il ne s’agit pas du même site que Voiranime. com, qui propose une bibliothèque de mangas différente.
The leader of the girls, Nora, tells Shizuku that young werewolf girls are being murdered in the forest on rainy days, their faces covered in buckshot. Because the rain drowns out both smell and the sound, they can't track the murderer. The girls then try to smuggle Shizuku out of their village, but she is discovered and put on trial by the elderly village chief. The chief is unwilling to listen to the claims by Shizuku and Nora's friends, Vera and Kaya, that she is innocent. The trial is suddenly interrupted when a gunshot rings out from the forest. The werewolves rush to the sound where they see Nora dead from a gunshot wound to the chest.