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. (p. 28)[15]In an October 2020 a paper from University of Memphis[16] examined the effects of instructors' attractiveness on student evaluations of their teaching. [17] A 2021 study on the effects of the wearing of facemasks in the hospitality industry corroborated existing findings[18] on the correlation between perceived physical attractiveness of frontline workers and customer satisfaction. The study found that the wearing of facemasks by hospitality employees minimized the effects of their actual attractiveness on reported customer satisfaction, leveling off the playing field between average-looking employees and attractive-looking employees. [19] Empirical support[edit] According to Nancy Etcoff, a psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, "we face a world where lookism is one of the most pervasive but denied prejudices". [20] Referring to several studies, Angela Stalcup writes that "The evidence clearly indicates that not only is there a premium for prettiness in Western culture, there is also a penalty for plainness. "[21] When discrimination on the grounds of a person's appearance turns into fear or conveyed aversion, it is referred to as cacophobia. [9] Sometimes cacophobia may be internalized and thus directed inwards rather than towards others.


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[8] Conversely, Boruto's upbringing has also been different than that of his father's: Boruto's family is always there for him, and he likewise has many friends, and his acquisitions came easily and naturally to him from a combination of prodigious talents[1] and nurturing parents. For these reasons, Boruto has a high opinion of himself and freely brags about his abilities. Still, his arrogance has made him put no value in teammates or teamwork, believing he can do anything on his own. He felt in achieving success as the main point of anything, even taking insincere shortcuts to do so, such as utilising a cheat program to win a video game easily, or using the Kote to create a façade of performing an advanced technique to earn his right to be Sasuke's disciple, and later swiftly resorting to the same device to defeat opponents once they seem to have an upper hand. After seeing how selfish and amoral he was acting from resorting to such a tool, he gained a newfound respect for actual hard work. At the same time, he also earned a strong dislike at anyone relying on such advanced tools, believing that one should rely solely on their natural skill. Upon meeting Ao, however, he came to appreciate that tools, no matter how advanced, are not inherently good or bad, but merely a means to a goal that depends on its user. Also, upon seeing how such inventions could be used even small animals, he came to appreciate Katasuke Tōno's work. Despite his arrogance, he does not look down on anyone else and is very loyal to his friends. Without hesitation, he had repeatedly come to the aid of Denki when he was physically harmed. He also avoids confrontation, or name-calling when someone is talking behind his back, completely ignoring the situation altogether unless his friends get hurt, which shows his maturity. [62] The Nikkei reported that stock prices for Kadokawa Dwango fell by 3. 3% compared to the previous day at the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a result of the news. [63] In the weeks before this incident, animation studio Yaoyorozu had released a free teaser side episode to its fans, pursuant to their agreement with Kadokawa that Yaoyorozu would be allowed full creative freedom in developing Kemono Friends, an agreement made at a time where the Kemono Friends IP appeared to be near worthless, an agreement they wished to change in response to the soaring value of the IP. In response to the controversy, production committee of the Kemono Friends anime announced that director Tatsuki and the animation studio Yaoyorozu had been using the Kemono Friends property on its own without consulting all concerned parties and that Yaoyorozu would not agree to a normalization in communication and withdrew from the project as a result. [64] A September 26 Kemono Friends streaming program on Niconico Douga then featured several voice actresses from the anime publicly apologizing for the ongoing controversy, despite having little connection to the corporate decisions made. This led to further backlash against Kadokawa, with accusations that they had used the actresses to deflect blame from the company itself.
Quand l'Avatar entre dans cet état, ses yeux et ses éventuels tatouages s'illuminent. Cet éclat est la combinaison de toutes ses précédentes incarnations qui concentrent leur énergie à travers son corps. Cependant, si l'Avatar est tué lorsqu'il est en transe, alors le cycle de réincarnation est brisé, et l'avatar cessera alors d'exister à jamais[25]. À travers les âges, les innombrables incarnations de l'Avatar ont permis de garder les Quatre Peuples en harmonie et de maintenir l'ordre universel[22]. L'Avatar est aussi l'unique passerelle entre le monde physique et le monde spirituel, séjour des esprits défunts[26]. Dans la suite de la série, La Légende de Korra, on apprend que l'avatar est le résultat de la fusion d'un humain ordinaire (Wan) et de Raava, l'esprit de la lumière.