nagatoro anime manga
09. Otouto (おとうと): little brother. O-nēsan (お-姉さん): big sister, or also "a young lady". The descriptive noun is ane (姉). Imouto (いもうと): little sister. The initial o- (お-) prefix in those nouns spelled as such is itself an honorific prefix. In more casual situations the speaker may omit this prefix but keep the suffix. Niichan (兄ちゃん) or Niisan (兄さん): when a young sibling addresses their own "big brother". Nēchan (姉ちゃん) or Nēsan (姉さん): when a young sibling addresses their own "big sister". Kāsan (母さん): when a person addresses their own "wife" (the "mother" of their children). Tōsan (父さん): when a person addresses their own "husband" (the "father" of their children).Occasionally may be used to refer to a boy, but in most situations would be inappropriate. Tan (たん) Small. Babies, moe anthropomorphisms Senpai (先輩、せんぱい) Senior Senior colleague and student or classmate Sensei (先生、せんせい) Teacher / Master (in the sense of "master and disciple") / Doctor / Professor Used to refer to teachers as well as people who are experts in their respective fields, whether doctors, artists or lawyers. Hakase (博士、はかせ) Doctor or PhD Persons with very high academic expertise Heika (陛下、へいか) Your Majesty Emperor, Empress, Empress Dowager or Grand Empress Dowager Denka (殿下、でんか) Your Imperial Highness Princes and princesses of the Japanese Imperial Family Kakka (閣下、かっか) Your Excellency Used to address non-royal heads of state and government and other high-ranking government officials (ambassadors, cabinet ministers, and other high officials such as the United Nations Secretary-General or generals in an army).