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In preparation, Assane shows Benjamin how to escape through a hedge maze on the grounds of the château. Assane and Benjamin appear at the gala, posing as footmen. Unbeknownst to Benjamin, the actual price that Mariama's kidnappers had demanded was his own imprisonment. When Assane slips the bracelet from Xang's wrist, he drops it on the ground. As Benjamin leaps to pick it up, he is immediately spotted by Moller, who orders his capture. A panic-stricken Benjamin dashes out of the château into the maze but is horrified to find that a large hedge is blocking the path that had been specified for him. At that moment, Guédira and Belkacem, who had previously been called in by Assane, appear on the scene and arrest him. 155"Chapter 5"Xavier GensGeorge Kay, Adam Usden, François Uzan5 October 2023 (2023-10-05) Despite Assane's betrayal, Benjamin staunchly refuses to give him up to the police. However, Guédira is shocked when he discovers Assane sitting in his office. Assane promises that he will allow himself to be arrested if Guédira helps him out. Although apprehensive, Guédira accepts the offer.


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While it's true that some shows are able to effectively pull off the school life setting, lesser anime, like Classroom of the Elite, fail right from the get go. . Episode one dives right into explaining the setting and sets up the general story of the anime. Viewers learn that the school in which the characters are attending is a special academy where students are divided into four classes based off of skill and other criteria that is never really discussed (you'll soon learn that the lack of a proper explanation for things is a reoccurring theme with this anime). Unsurprisingly, the two protagonists, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and Suzune Horikita, are put in class D, the lowest ranking class. The story is supposed to be about their rise from the bottom to the top of the academy's hierarchy, but there's one major problem; They make relatively no progress toward achieving this goal throughout the course of the anime.
Before I go into more detail on this, let me explain an unique plot element that the author introduced for the anime: a point system. These points are given to students and represent multiple things, including currency and class ranking. The students lose points for bad grades, behavior, etcetera and earn them by achieving various things, many of which are unexplained. manga-news. com (in French). December 19, 2017. Archived from the original on March 7, 2022. ^ a b "Historique des lauréats des Japan Expo Awards". Japan Expo (in French). July 14, 2023. Archived from the original on July 17, 2023. Retrieved November 22, 2023. ^ 第45回アニメGP. chikimato.
Étymologie[modifier | modifier le code] En japonais, la Grande Ourse se dit Ōguma-za (おおぐま座?, traduction littérale), Hokuto (北斗?) et représente l'astérisme des sept étoiles de la Grande Ourse, appelé Grande Casserole en français et Grand Chariot au Canada. Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] Article détaillé : Personnages de Ken le Survivant. L'histoire se déroule dans les années 1990 (ce qui était alors un futur relativement proche), sur une terre ravagée par une guerre nucléaire, ayant eu pour conséquence l'évaporation de la plupart des mers et océans, tout comme la destruction d’une grande partie de la végétation. Lors de l'introduction de la série animée on peut lire « 199X », soit une année indéterminée à la fin du XXe siècle[2]. Dans cet univers post-apocalyptique, les survivants sont soit d'humbles villageois s'efforçant de survivre, soit des bandits vicieux regroupés en gangs qui s'adonnent au pillage et à la persécution des villageois. Cependant, un expert en arts martiaux nommé Kenshiro, dit Ken, un homme reconnaissable aux sept cicatrices qu'il porte sur le torse (formant la constellation de la Grande Ourse), a été choisi pour devenir le successeur d'une légendaire école d'art martial assassin, le Hokuto Shinken (北斗神拳?, l'art divin de l'Étoile du Nord), dont la technique consiste à presser les points vitaux de l'adversaire pour le faire exploser de l'intérieur.