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04: The Guardians of Desire (2) Read Chapter 0. 03: The Guardians of Desire (1) Read Chapter 0. 02: The Brand Read Chapter 0. 01: The Black Swordsman Read Chapter 374: Chapter 374 Read Chapter 373: Chapter 373 Read Chapter 372: Chapter 372 Read Chapter 371: Chapter 371 Read Chapter 370: Chapter 370 Read Chapter 369: Chapter 369 Read Chapter 368: Chapter 368 Read Chapter 367: Chapter 367 Read Chapter 366: Chapter 366 Read Chapter 365: Chapter 365 Read Chapter 364: Chapter 364 Read Chapter 363: 跳猿 Read Chapter 362: 幻死 Read Chapter 361: 渓谷 Read Chapter 360: 桜の園 Read Chapter 359: 障壁 Read Chapter 358: 帝国の黎明 Read Chapter 357: 有明の凱旋 Read Chapter 356: 巨人 Read Chapter 355: 木漏れ日の下で Read Chapter 354: 覚醒 Read Chapter 353: 最後の欠片 Read Chapter 352: 元凶 Read Chapter 351: 屍と針杉の森 Read Chapter 350: 記憶の欠片 Read Chapter 349: 夢の回廊 Read Chapter 348: 薄闇の荒野 Read Chapter 347: 花吹雪く王 Read Chapter 346: 妖精郷 Read Chapter 345: 大導師 Read Chapter 344: 魔女の村 Read Chapter 343: 炎の人形 Read Chapter 342: 上陸 Read Chapter 341: 逃飛翔 Read Chapter 340: 暗闘 Read Chapter 339: 月下の王都 Read Chapter 338: 夕闇の死客 Read Chapter 337: 別離の橋 Read Chapter 336: 万魔殿 Read Chapter 335: 王權神授 Read Chapter 334: 人の都 Read Chapter 333: 楽土 Read Chapter 332: 幌馬車 Read Chapter 331: 遠い日の春花(3) Read Chapter 330: 遠い日の春花(2) Read Chapter 329: 遠い日の春花(1) Read Chapter 328: 流星 Read Chapter 327: 浮上 Read Chapter 326: 声連 Read Chapter 325: 人魚(2) Read Chapter 324: 人魚(1) Read Chapter 323: 深き呼び声 Read Chapter 322: 震臓 Read Chapter 321: 海神(3) Read Chapter 320: 海神(2) Read Chapter 319: 海神(1) Read Chapter 318: 獣士 Read Chapter 317: 満月(2) Read Chapter 316: 満月(1) Read Chapter 315: 触手船 Read Chapter 314: 人触手 Read Chapter 313: 禍海の者共 Read Chapter 312: 鳴る瀬ろの娘 Read Chapter 311: 孤島 Read Chapter 310: 幽霊船(3) Read Chapter 309: 幽霊船(2) Read Chapter 308: 幽霊船(1) Read Chapter 307: ファルコニア Read Chapter 306: 幻造世界(ファンタジア) Read Chapter 305: 開闢 Read Chapter 304: 亀裂 Read Chapter 303: 逆光 Read Chapter 302: 飛翔 Read Chapter 301: 混沌 Read Chapter 300: 鷹の巫女 Read Chapter 299: 人外の戦場 Read Chapter 298: 放魔 Read Chapter 297: 盲目の巨神 Read Chapter 296: 轟天 Read Chapter 295: 末神 Read Chapter 294: エクソダス Read Chapter 293: 静寂なる闇 Read Chapter 292: 死の霧 Read Chapter 291: 予知夢 Read Chapter 290: 闇からの咆哮 Read Chapter 289: 海戦(2) Read Chapter 288: 海戦(1) Read Chapter 287: 水泡 Read Chapter 286: 船上にて Read Chapter 285: 英雄 Read Chapter 284: ミッドランド正規軍 Read Chapter 283: 風巻 Read Chapter 282: 裂ける戦場 Read Chapter 281: 飛来 Read Chapter 280: 大侵攻(2) Read Chapter 279: 大侵攻(1) Read Chapter 278: 船出 Read Chapter 277: 肉弾 Read Chapter 276: 叢雲 Read Chapter 275: 魔軍襲来 Read Chapter 274: 雷帝 Read Chapter 273: 爆炎 Read Chapter 272: 塒巻く者 Read Chapter 271: 東方魔術 Read Chapter 270: 仙将(パラマリシヤ・センアーンイー) Read Chapter 269: 剣獣 Read Chapter 268: 火炎輪(ブレイズ・ロッド) Read Chapter 267: 灼熱湾 Read Chapter 266: 妖獣都市(2) Read Chapter 265: 妖獣都市(1) Read Chapter 264: 天啓 Read Chapter 263: 妖獣侵攻 Read Chapter 262: 宣戦布告 Read Chapter 261: 錆びた鳥籠 Read Chapter 260: 乱入 Read Chapter 259: 妖虎 Read Chapter 258: 教圏の宗主 Read Chapter 257: 決闘(DUEL) Read Chapter 256: 列柱の間 Read Chapter 255: 舞踏会 Read Chapter 254: 母 Read Chapter 253: 野の白百合 Read Chapter 252: 庭園にて Read Chapter 251: ヴァンディミオン Read Chapter 250: 帰巣 Read Chapter 249: ささやかな晩餐 Read Chapter 248: 武者 Read Chapter 247: 刃傷 Read Chapter 246: 桟橋のトンビとフクロウ Read Chapter 245: 人間の都市 Read Chapter 244: 鎮守府 Read Chapter 243: 超者(ジャンアーニン) Read Chapter 242: 海鳴り Read Chapter 241: 海獣(マカラ) Read Chapter 240: 怪霧 Read Chapter 239: 使い魔 Read Chapter 238: 月下の少年 Read Chapter 237: 告げられし兆し Read Chapter 236: 潮騒 Read Chapter 235: 眠り姫の目覚め Read Chapter 234: 魔神 Read Chapter 233: 魔騎士 Read Chapter 232: 鬼兵 Read Chapter 231: 恐帝 Read Chapter 230: 魔都 Read Chapter 229: 炎の旅立ち Read Chapter 228: 業火の底 Read Chapter 227: 火竜 Read Chapter 226: 狂戦士の甲冑(2) Read Chapter 225: 狂戦士の甲冑(1) Read Chapter 224: 炎上(2) Read Chapter 223: 炎上(1) Read Chapter 222: 爪痕 Read Chapter 221: 道連 Read Chapter 220: 胎海の娼姫 Read Chapter 219: 黄泉のほとり Read Chapter 218: 報い(すくい) Read Chapter 217: 報い(むくい) Read Chapter 216: 汚濁 Read Chapter 215: 闇 Read Chapter 214: シャーマン Read Chapter 213: 激流 Read Chapter 212: 魔群(2) Read Chapter 211: 魔群(1) Read Chapter 210: 祈りの奥義 Read Chapter 209: 魔術 Read Chapter 208: 罪の鏡 Read Chapter 207: 魔法の剣 Read Chapter 206: 獣鬼襲来 Read Chapter 205: 野望と追憶 Read Chapter 204: イーノック村 Read Chapter 203: 元素霊 Read Chapter 202: 魔石 Read Chapter 201: 幽界 Read Chapter 200: 霊樹の館(2) Read Chapter 199: 霊樹の館(1) Read Chapter 198: 魔女 Read Chapter 197: 獣鬼 Read Chapter 196: 嬰児の如く Read Chapter 195: 星降る夜 Read Chapter 194: 光と闇の翼 Read Chapter 193: 飛剣の御旗 Read Chapter 192: 戦魔 Read Chapter 191: 荒れ野の再会 Read Chapter 190: 我牙 Read Chapter 189: こぼれた時間 Read Chapter 188: 冬の旅路(2) Read Chapter 187: 冬の旅路(1) Read Chapter 186: 雪と炎と/後篇 Read Chapter 185: 雪と炎と/前篇 Read Chapter 184: 鬨の風(2) Read Chapter 183: 鬨の風(1) Read Chapter 182: クシャーン猛襲 Read Chapter 181: 戦記の序章 Read Chapter 180: 不変 Read Chapter 179: 獣剣士対黒い剣士 Read Chapter 178: 剣の丘の再会 Read Chapter 177: ほころぶ世界 Read Chapter 176: 決意と旅立ち Read Chapter 175: 出現 Read Chapter 174: 暁 Read Chapter 173: 天墜つ Read Chapter 172: 共鳴 Read Chapter 171: 闇の津波(2) Read Chapter 170: 闇の津波(1) Read Chapter 169: 縋る者もがく者 Read Chapter 168: 怪僧(2) Read Chapter 167: 怪僧(1) Read Chapter 166: 跳魚 Read Chapter 165: イデアの影(3) Read Chapter 164: イデアの影(2) Read Chapter 163: イデアの影(1) Read Chapter 162: 崩壊 Read Chapter 161: 殉教 Read Chapter 160: 兆し Read Chapter 159: 脅えし者 Read Chapter 158: 底の底の知られぬ者 Read Chapter 157: ヘルス・エンジェルス Read Chapter 156: 頂に舞うもの底に這うもの Read Chapter 155: 蜘蛛の糸 Read Chapter 154: 亡者の血流(2) Read Chapter 153: 亡者の血流(1) Read Chapter 152: 鉄の処女 Read Chapter 151: 虜囚 Read Chapter 150: 断崖 Read Chapter 149: 伏兵 Read Chapter 148: 再会 Read Chapter 147: 魔窟 Read Chapter 146: 野望少年 Read Chapter 145: 迷走 Read Chapter 144: 聖地の黒い剣士 Read Chapter 143: 炎の柱 Read Chapter 142: 怪道(2) Read Chapter 141: 怪道(1) Read Chapter 140: 魔女 Read Chapter 139: 聖地のはらわた Read Chapter 138: 猛信者 Read Chapter 137: 影の子ら Read Chapter 136: 影の塔(2) Read Chapter 135: 影の塔(1) Read Chapter 134: クシャーン斥候(2) Read Chapter 133: クシャーン斥候(1) Read Chapter 132: 聖地へ (2) Read Chapter 131: 聖地へ (1) Read Chapter 130: かよわき炎 Read Chapter 129: 刃の亀裂 Read Chapter 128: 啓示(3) Read Chapter 127: 啓示(2) Read Chapter 126: 啓示(1) Read Chapter 125: 真実の朝 Read Chapter 124: 去来 Read Chapter 123: 奇跡の夜 Read Chapter 122: 見ざる者 Read Chapter 121: 空洞の偶像 Read Chapter 120: 聖鉄鎖騎士団(2) Read Chapter 119: 聖鉄鎖騎士団(1) Read Chapter 118: 闇の獣 Read Chapter 117: 青空の妖精 Read Chapter 116: 家路 Read Chapter 115: 蛍 Read Chapter 114: 魔と人の狭間 Read Chapter 113: 鮮血の夜空 Read Chapter 112: 空魔 Read Chapter 111: 怪物 Read Chapter 110: 繭 Read Chapter 109: 霧の谷(2) Read Chapter 108: 霧の谷(1) Read Chapter 107: 追跡者 Read Chapter 106: 守護者(ガーディアン)(2) Read Chapter 105: 守護者(ガーディアン)(1) Read Chapter 104: 羽あるものの世界 Read Chapter 103: 追憶の少女 Read Chapter 102: 赤い目のピーカフ Read Chapter 101: 鬼火 Read Chapter 100: 女王(クイーン) Read Chapter 99. 5: Berserk: The Prototype Read Chapter 99: 妖虫 Read Chapter 98: 飛来 Read Chapter 97: ジル Read Chapter 96: 霧の谷の妖精 Read Chapter 95: 黒い剣士、再び Read Chapter 94: ドラゴンを狩る者 Read Chapter 93: 武装 Read Chapter 92: 幼魔 Read Chapter 91: 反撃の誓い Read Chapter 90: 疾走 Read Chapter 89: 悪夢にめざめて Read Chapter 88: 脱出 Read Chapter 87: 右目の残照 Read Chapter 86: 誕生 Read Chapter 85: 胎動 Read Chapter 84: 鮮血 Read Chapter 83: 深淵の神(2) Read Chapter 82: 深淵の神 Read Chapter 81: 死の嵐(2) Read Chapter 80: 死の嵐(1) Read Chapter 79: 宴 Read Chapter 78: 決別 Read Chapter 77: 城 Read Chapter 76: 人外百鬼 Read Chapter 75: 降臨 Read Chapter 74: 約束の刻 Read Chapter 73: 蝕 Read Chapter 72: 路地裏の少年 Read Chapter 71: 黄昏の戦士達 Read Chapter 70: 風の鎮魂歌 Read Chapter 69: 不死者再び Read Chapter 68: 飛来者 Read Chapter 67: 甲冑は胸に Read Chapter 66: 死闘(2) Read Chapter 65: 死闘(1) Read Chapter 64: 惨劇の森 Read Chapter 63: 狂獣咆哮 Read Chapter 62: 魔犬(4) Read Chapter 61: 魔犬(3) Read Chapter 60: 魔犬(2) Read Chapter 59: 魔犬(1) Read Chapter 58: 石の王城の花 Read Chapter 57: バーキラカ(2) Read Chapter 56: バーキラカ(1) Read Chapter 55: 血路 Read Chapter 54: 深淵の再会 Read Chapter 53: 千年封土 Read Chapter 52: 前夜祭(2) Read Chapter 51: 前夜祭(1) Read Chapter 50: ウィンダム潜入(2) Read Chapter 49: ウィンダム潜入(1) Read Chapter 48: 切っ先の火花 Read Chapter 47: 傷(2) Read Chapter 46: 傷(1) Read Chapter 45: 告白 Read Chapter 44: 戦友 Read Chapter 43: 闘者 Read Chapter 42: 逃亡者たち Read Chapter 41: 闘技会 Read Chapter 40: 夢の終焉 Read Chapter 39: 墜ちた鷹 Read Chapter 38: 果てしなき夜の始まり Read Chapter 37: 髑髏の騎士 Read Chapter 36: 旅立ちの朝(3) Read Chapter 35: 旅立ちの朝(2) Read Chapter 34: 旅立ちの朝(1) Read Chapter 33: ある雪の夜に Read Chapter 32: 炎の墓標(2) Read Chapter 31: 炎の墓標(1) Read Chapter 30: 栄光の瞬間 Read Chapter 29: 凱旋 Read Chapter 28: ドルドレイ攻略戦(6) Read Chapter 27: ドルドレイ攻略戦(5) Read Chapter 26: ドルドレイ攻略戦(4) Read Chapter 25: ドルドレイ攻略戦(3) Read Chapter 24: ドルドレイ攻略戦(2) Read Chapter 23: ドルドレイ攻略戦(1) Read Chapter 22: 夢のかがり火 Read Chapter 21: 生還 Read Chapter 20: 決死行(3) Read Chapter 19: 決死行(2) Read Chapter 18: 決死行(1) Read Chapter 17: キャスカ(3) Read Chapter 16: キャスカ(2) Read Chapter 15: キャスカ(1) Read Chapter 14: 合戦 Read Chapter 13: 出陣 Read Chapter 12: 貴きもの Read Chapter 11: 暗殺者(4) Read Chapter 10: 暗殺者(3) Read Chapter 9: 暗殺者(2) Read Chapter 8: 暗殺者(1) Read Chapter 7: 剣の主(2) Read Chapter 6: 剣の主(1) Read Chapter 5: 不死のゾッド(4) Read Chapter 4: 不死のゾッド(3) Read Chapter 3: 不死のゾッド(2) Read Chapter 2: 不死のゾッド(1) Read Chapter 1: 剣風 Read Chapter 0. 16: 黄金時代(8) Read Chapter 0.

Ippo winning against Miyata. Ippo faced Miyata, who, unlike before, became desperate after realising just how much Ippo had evolved in three months. With both fighters scoring multiple downs, and Ippo's strategy against the counter working as planned, they got to the fourth round. In this final round, Ippo threw his newly acquired uppercut in an attempt to end the fight, but seemingly missed. It was this uppercut that caused Miyata to go down and unable to get up, making Ippo the winner. Minoru Fujii revealed, that Ippo's uppercut, indeed landed by barely a centimetre, making Miyata lose control of his legs, despite still being conscious. The result of the second spar, caused Miyata to leave the gym in order to be able to face Ippo as a professional in the future. Before parting ways, they each promised to make it to the East Japan Rookie King Tournament and settle the score. Debut Arc With Miyata's departure, Ippo lost a goal to fight for and no longer showed his characteristic enthusiasm. In an attempt to solve this problem, Kamogawa ordered him to follow Takamura's training routine, with hopes of him realising just how difficult a boxer's life really is. Kamogawa's attempts proved to be successful, as Ippo understood by watching Takamura going through his training schedule with such energy despite suffering the effects of his weight management.



^ One Piece 倒せ!海賊ギャンザック!! (DVD). Shueisha. 1998. ^ Toei Animation (October 9, 2004). "I'm Gonna Be King of the Pirates". One Piece. Season 2. Episode 70. Fuji TV. [11]One Piece 倒せ!海賊ギャンザック!! (DVD). Shueisha. There are zero stakes in the fights since nobody can die, and don’t tell me you were actually worried even for a second about someone dying. It’s all just an excuse for showing a bunch of flashbacks regarding the support cast. Too bad none of that matter since these people have no chemistry and never feel like they are a team. All that flashy animation goes down the drain because they are not only uninteresting, they are also not important. As stated by the very bad guys, the only two people that matter are the protagonist and the blindfold guy. What a way to fodderize the entire cast right from the beginning of the show.
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