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I do
wish though we had more of a variety. but nothing to really complain about. Except for the
fact it can get pretty boring, I kind of did just leave it on it the background at times while working forgetting it was on because it kind of did get repetitive with the 'Jun doesn't think of me as a girl omg. ' scenes.
By the way, the voice actors did great on this series, if you do watch this.
Instead, it
became a hollow shell of itself and degenerated its own legacy.
By animation quality standards, Darling in the Frankxx maintains a
consistent flow throughout the show. The first few episodes made it clear that there would be over the top action and it didn’t betray expectations. The producers were able to capture the highlights of battle scenes, emotional segments, and comedic moments flawlessly. Actual fighting scenes in the show is fast paced that makes an emotional impact. This is accomplished through the character expressions as it made many scenes feel larger than life.