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You will have a lot more results. However, it may also be useful to switch a movie’s page to English to make out the English title of that movie so you know what to look for and order (or stream) on Amazon or any other multimedia store in your country. Stuck getting started? Here are a few big household names (famous French actors) you can look for on Wikipedia: Audrey TautouPierre NineyFrançois CluzetOmar SyGérard DepardieuLouis de Funès 15. YouTube Speaking of rabbit holes, the biggest one on the internet is probably YouTube. That road is a little messier but you can also find great French trailers and movies that way. First, pick a French movie title you’ve already seen or want to see and the French word for “trailer”: “bande-annonce”.I don't plan to campaign for Re:Zero's public standing, nor will I bastardize its name for the sake of winning the appeal of dissenters. What will be written from here on out is simply one man stating his viewpoint. If that means dispensing the full-range of my vocabulary like a snobby know-it-all, then so be it. As long as my assessment is clearly understood, whether you choose to sling mud at my remarks or practice diplomacy is of no concern to me.
And without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, weeaboos and pseudo-elites, I, ZephSilver, will serve as your Buzz Killington for the evening, as we take a tour through anime's latest mistake, Re:Zero, or as I like to call it, Re:packaged goods.
Writhing in pain it doesn't understand, with paint-by-number personalities that desperately try to express it, Re:Zero is a gaudy, yet entertaining, blowhard that stumbles upon an ingenious formula for mainstream success. In a cynically calculated ruse, Re:Zero combines snippets of set-pieces from other works to create a Frankenstein that's built to be a surefire hit, regardless of how much manipulation is required to keep the circus act up. By capitalizing on the ever-increasing demand for MMORPG inspired settings, time-travel narratives and well. a gratuitous amount of shock value, it captures the general populace's attention with ease.