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[10]: 93 Toei also developed five special animated shorts. The anime series was sold as 20 volumes in Japan. By the end of 1995, each volume had sold approximately 300,000 copies. [10]: 95 English dub
production and broadcast[edit] In 1995, after a bidding war with Toon
Makers & Renaissance-Atlantic Entertainment, who wanted to produce an American live-action/animated hybrid adaptation,[12] DIC Productions, L. P. (now Wildbrain), SeaGull Entertainment and Sachs Finley Media,[13]
licensed the first two seasons of Sailor Moon for an English-language release in North America. [14] The Mississauga-based Optimum Productions was hired to dub the anime. Bob Summers wrote a new background score. [note 1] DIC had mandated cuts to content and length, which reduced the first 89 episodes by seven. [note 2] Their adaptation was created to capitalize on the success of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. [15][16] The series premiered in Canada on August 28, 1995 on YTV and in first-run syndication in the U.
^ "High School DxD - Season 1".
Sequential Tart. Archived from the original on September 24, 2015. Retrieved August 25, 2016. ^ Jones, Davey C. "HIGH SCHOOL DXD
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