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It's not really anything special. A lot of the voice actresses are amateurs, so they're pretty good for newbies, but again, nothing too special.The characters have little to no personality. Every episode introduces a ridiculous amount of new characters only to be ditched in the next episode in favor of new soulless characters. The writers slap a quirky gimmick or two to each character and call it a personality. As such, most of them are really forgettable and bland, but that's to be expected with a show with such a large cast, right? But not even Serval and Kaban have personalities. Kaban is. smart? Serval is.
Kamogawa approached Ippo and explained that he has to master every stage of the Dempsey Roll, which he admitted to be difficult, but noted that forcing Sendō back will be harder. The next day, Ippo received a bell to keep bears away and ran with Aoki, Kimura, and Takamura in the woods. Just as the runners began deciding that the bells were working, Ippo was jumped on by an animal. When Aoki and Kimura ran in fear back to inform the others that Ippo was attacked by a bear, Ippo came back with a white dog, which Nekota revealed that it was his dog, Hachi. Kamogawa explained what everyone would be doing for their stay for the week, with Kamogawa instructing Ippo to chop logs with an axe. As Ippo did his training, Nekota visited him. Ippo requested his help on how to chop wood properly. Ippo watched in awe as Nekota chopped wood perfectly. Realising that Ippo was training to increase his power, Nekota warned Ippo that power-to-power battles have devastating lasting effects, breaking boxers down by becoming Punch Drunk, telling him how he himself retired because of brain damage and still has effects. Despite the story, Ippo decided that he could not run away from Sendō. Ippo then became curious when Nekota mentioned of a way of punching without punching.