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Boruto and Sarada listen to the Funato's declaration of war. As Boruto was mortified to know that he drove Ikada down this path, Mitsuki helped him regain his composure. Boruto voiced his desire to stop the war and save Ikada from his hatred, Sarada and Mitsuki joining him in heading to Kirigakure to aid the Mizukage. While they were initially stopped by Buntan and Kyohō, who insisted they must face the Funato, Denki and Iwabee fended them off, allowing Team 7 escape, except for Kawaki, who remained firm that war was inevitable and decided to stay. Boruto also carried Hiramekarei to return it to the village. After an initial struggle to get help sailing, Kajiki agreed to help them get to Chōjūrō. Along the way, Kajiki expressed disapproval of both the Funato and Kirigakure. Meeting up with Kirigakure's fleet, Boruto returned Hiramekarei to Chōjūrō, and voiced his desire to end the conflict without further bloodshed. Chōjūrō stressed the Shinonome 1 station had to be protected, and Boruto noted that significant rejection of it throughout the Land of Water seemed to be at the heart of the Funato uprising. Misuno and Chōjūrō recounted how Araumi had Isari killed when he attempted to negotiate peace between them, so Boruto instead asked for time to try talking to Ikada, explaining what they had been through before learning he was a Funato. Chōjūrō agreed to let Boruto make his attempt at peace, and he left on Kajiki's ship.

There, she discovers a door standing alone on its frame. She opens it to witness a starlit field inside, which she can't enter. She trips over a cat statue on the floor, which turns into a real cat and flees. Frightened, Suzume rushes back to school. During lunch, Suzume notices a huge column of smoke, emerging from the location where the abandoned resort is located, which no one else can see. She rushes back there and finds the man from earlier, who is struggling to close the door.


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