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You can find many interesting documentaries, reports and movies on that site. It’s a heavily culture, history and geography-focused channel, so the movies you will find there will often be classic, international, deep or unusual. Be aware that in classic or old movies, actors often speak differently and don’t always pronounce words as clearly as they do in modern movies. And the sound isn’t always crisp and clear like learners need it to be. But don’t let this keep you from giving it a try. Not all of them are like that. Just know that in case you find yourself struggling to understand them, it’s probably because of that. 3. Canal+ I recently started watching French movies on www. canalplus. com (a popular French cable TV channel) as they have a huge selection of French movies available to watch.

J'ai adoré leurs interactions tout comme j'ai apprécié redécouvrir les intrigues de cour entre concubines et bien évidemment toutes les enquêtes menées par notre jeune héroïne. Mao Mao est très attachante.
L'univers de cette Chine impériale fantasmée par Natsu Hyuuga est passionnant à découvrir.
Le récit oscille entre de la fantasy historique et du cosy mystery ! Cela m'a sauté aux yeux durant les différentes enquêtes que va mener Mao Mao.
Le fil conducteur reste bien évidemment la manière dont notre jeune et intrépide apothicaire va se mêler à cette cour Impériale. Sa grandeur, ses tragédies et la vie de ses protagonistes.


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"10 Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Series: 2012". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 17, 2014. Retrieved October 10, 2018. ^ Loo, Egan (December 1, 2013). "Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Series: 2013". Anime News Network. December 1, 2013. Archived from the original on March 20, 2015. Retrieved March 30, 2015. "Top-Selling Manga in Japan by Series: 2014". What's more, every month, the school awards students points with a cash value of 100,000 yen, and the classes employ a laissez-faire policy in which talking, sleeping, and even sabotage are permitted during class. One month later, Ayanokōji, Horikita, and the students of D-Class learn the truth of the system in place within their school. Ayanokōji is finally moving up to his second year of the Advanced Nurturing High School, after having safely evaded the last exam of the first year along with Tsukishiro's schemes. The entry ceremony is soon held after the short spring vacation. The new first year students are finally arriving, as if to greet the coming of April. Standing neck to neck with the second years, the new first years have unique personalities full of ups and down.
What's more— There is an enforcer from the White Room among them.
Special exams against the other second years, the stepping stones to ascend to class A, dodging the tenacious Tsukishiro and the enforcer's attacks while counterattacking, and their own human relationships. The first days of the second year of the Advanced Nurturing High School is finally about to begin! And they are not by any means ordinary— Releases The series has been published under Media Factory's MF Bunko J imprint since 2015; as of January 2024, 27 volumes (including 5 short story collections) have been released.
Sherman, President of Bang Zoom! Entertainment". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on November 9, 2007. Retrieved January 8, 2022. ^ "Otakon Interview: Kirk Thornton". Scoop. Archived from the original on January 15, 2022. Retrieved January 23, 2022. ^ Macdonald, Christopher (March 25, 2005). "Upcoming Adult Swim Anime". Anime News Network.