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Scan the QR code to download the WEBTOON app on the App Store or Google Play. EP. 481: The King of.

This anime would've been SO much better if Ryouta was a girl tbh. This would've been an iconic lesbian anime about mind games and free will which only comes out once every blue moon and proves that whoever creates this has enough balls and is, therefore, should be critically praised but NOPE, this ends up becoming your seasonal mid af edgy anime which we should've gatekept from cishet men especially incels. 4 for 'bad'.
The animation and art are just fine tho, ngl. I really don't have a problem with it, but there's also nothing groundbreaking, so imma give it a 6 for 'fine'. BUT THE SOUND OMG. Anyone who as much as stands a few feet away from my bedroom would've thought I was watching porn because there is just so much moaning. It's fine at some point but. this is just too much.


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Archived from the original on May 8, 2016. Retrieved July 7, 2016. ^ 第7話 『ナツキ・スバルのリスタート』 [Episode 7: "Natsuki Subaru's Restart"]. Re-zero-anime. jp (in Japanese). Archived from the original on May 16, 2016. Retrieved May 17, 2016. ^ Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活「約束した朝は遠く」 [Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: "The Morning of Our Promise is Still Distant"]. TV Tokyo (in Japanese). Archived from the original on May 1, 2016. Retrieved July 7, 2016. [12][13][5] Among many other examinees, Gon continuously encounters Hisoka, a mysterious and deadly transmuter who takes an interest in him. After many trials together, Gon and his friends end up passing the exam except for Killua, who fails after killing another applicant due to the influence of his brother, Illumi, and runs away to his family's estate in shame. After Gon and the others convince Killua to rejoin their side, Leorio and Kurapika depart temporarily for their own personal reasons, while Gon and Killua set for the Heavens Arena (天空闘技場, Tenkū Tōgijō), a skyscraper where thousands of martial artists compete daily in fighting tournaments, seeking to improve themselves and gain monetary rewards. [14] There they meet Zushi, a fellow Heavens Arena applicant, who has a kung fu master named Wing who trains them in utilizing Nen, a Qi-like life energy used by its practicers to manifest parapsychological abilities, and is also considered to be the final requirement to pass the Hunter Exam. Sometime later, Gon and his friends reunite again in Yorknew City (ヨークシンシティ, Yōkushin Shiti) where they have a clash with the Phantom Troupe. During the occasion, two from the band of thieves are killed by Kurapika and he is forced to give up the chance of hunting down the rest in order to rescue Gon and Killua from being captured, but not without succeeding in sealing the powers of their leader, Chrollo Lucilfer. A few days later, Gon and Killua achieve their objective and begin playing Greed Island, an extremely rare and expensive video game with Nen-like properties following some clues about Ging's whereabouts. [15] While exploring the game, it is revealed that its scenario is actually set somewhere in the real world, created with Nen by a team led by none other than Ging himself. Outclassed by the challenges in the game at first, they are soon joined and trained by Biscuit Krueger, an experienced teacher of Nen and kung fu master. With Biscuit's help, Gon and Killua train their Nen and learn to shape their abilities to their traits. Killua takes a short break from Greed Island to apply for the Hunter Examination again, this time passes with success.
^ 「ベルセルク」三浦建太郎が急性大動脈解離で死去、54歳. Comic Natalie (in Japanese). Natasha, Inc. May 20, 2021. Archived from the original on May 20, 2021. Retrieved May 20, 2021.