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This is despite the manga still running, meaning that there should be enough material for more Chainsaw Man. News on this tentative season is scarce, especially considering the controversy surrounding the studio. Nevertheless, there will be a movie continuation, which should help sate fans' appetites until the release of Chainsaw Man Season 2. The Rumors, Leaks, & Facts About Chainsaw Man Season 2 & Studio MAPPA Close Related Fans Are Sharply Divided Over New Chainsaw Man Art Style Tatsuki Fujimoto’s latest Chainsaw Man chapter gets a wildly mixed reception from fans and critics regarding his seemingly new art style. Chainsaw Man fans should be aware that currently, prominent anime studio MAPPA has not officially announced a Chainsaw Man Season 2, but many believe it's just a matter of time, so fans merely have to wait for the announcement. It's likely that studio MAPPA fully intends to produce, announce, and then release a second season of Chainsaw Man, and they merely had to wait until they finished other major projects. Studio MAPPA has had its hands full with the likes of Vinland Saga's second season and the last few episodes of Attack on Titan's multi-part final season. With those other anime projects now complete, now is the best time for MAPPA to continue their work on Chainsaw Man Season 2 and announce it. In addition, there have been leaks and strong rumors that MAPPA is definitely making Chainsaw Man Season 2 and even a feature-length Chainsaw Man anime movie. This was finally confirmed with the announcement of Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc, which is based on the fifth arc of the manga. Thus, the movie might act as Chainsaw Man Season 2 until that continuation of the show is actually released.

Malgré son courage et sa détermination, il lui arrive de se sentir blessée lorsqu'elle est insultée par rapport à son apparence physique. Elle est la première à maîtriser également l'élément complémentaire de la Terre, le métal. Elle est également capable de détecter le mensonge en sentant les battements cardiaques de ses interlocuteurs grâce à son don. Iroh Frère aîné du Seigneur du Feu, général respecté et oncle de Zuko et d'Azula, il était destiné au départ à être le seigneur du feu, poste usurpé par son frère. Il est surnommé le Dragon de l'Ouest, car il aurait tué le dernier des dragons, bien qu'en réalité il l'ait laissé vivre tout en prétendant l'avoir tué pour que celui-ci vive en paix. Il assiégea autrefois la capitale du Royaume de la Terre, Ba Sing Se et il fera un voyage dans le monde des esprits durant cette période. Il abandonna le siège lorsque son fils, Lu Ten, fut tué. Définitivement changé par cet incident, il accompagna Zuko en exil, le considérant comme son propre fils. Il l'aide du mieux qu'il peut dans ses tentatives de capture de l'Avatar et il est aussi un sage professeur pour le jeune prince, qui est empli de rage et de haine. Bien que faisant partie de la Nation du Feu et de la famille impériale, Iroh est plus sage et juste que la plupart des membres de sa famille et se garde de leur soif de conquête et de domination, gardant une philosophie plus harmonieuse ainsi qu'un rapport au monde plus global. Il n'hésitera pas à s'opposer ouvertement au général Zhao lors de l'attaque du Pôle Nord, lorsque ce dernier essaya une première fois de tuer l'esprit de la Lune, menaçant par ce geste l'équilibre du monde.


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Ippo got stressed out by the question and ended up not giving an answer in the time it took Mashiba to count to ten, causing Mashiba to tell Ippo to get out. Ippo got a second chance to give his answers and managed to do it, however, Mashiba didn't like the answers as it was more about her appearance, but Ippo claims it is just the lack of his vocabulary, and that it is not just about her appearance. Mashiba decided to have Kumi ask Ippo a question, to which she asked him what her favourite animal is. Ippo answered that it is a cat. Kumi got mad at Ippo for flunking the easy question as it is obvious that she likes dogs. Mashiba told Ippo to get out as he has failed. Kumi commented to Mashiba how he is always like this, as he made two boys at her school not talk to her after he messed with them in the past, ruining her social life, asking for him to please stop messing with her life. Ippo explained to Kumi that, from his experience with his mother, that Mashiba is doing everything for her sake, as he has dedicated a bulk of his life, time and effort for her, so he thinks that she can't blame him for that even if it might seem like he is going about it the wrong way. Mashiba agreed with Ippo, telling Kumi to apologise. As Kumi scolded Mashiba and Ippo, and Mashiba began arguing with Ippo again, Kumi flipped a table, causing a plate and mug to break a window and told them both to apologise. Ippo making a promise to Mashiba. Kotaku. Univision Communications. Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved July 10, 2019. ^ Eisenbeis, Richard (December 26, 2012). "Sword Art Online's Second Half Isn't Quite as Brilliant as Its First". Kotaku. Univision Communications. Archived from the original on July 10, 2019. Retrieved July 10, 2019. ^ Silverman, Rebecca (September 9, 2013).
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