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^ Ashcraft, Brian (30 January 2013). "Legendary Sega Consoles Turned into Colorful Anime Ladies". Kotaku. Retrieved 30 January 2017. ^ a b Akamatsu, Tsutomu (2011). "Honorific particles in Japanese and personal monemes".

Kumi told Ippo that she wants to go to the ocean for a swim as she has a new swimsuit, asking him if he wants to take her there. Ippo happily agreed. Ippo thinking about Rosario's movements. Later, at the Makunouchi Fishing Boat, while watching videos of Rosario's matches, Ippo observed how his head movement is incredibly fast, slipping past any punches that come towards him, and his step-in is fast as well. Ippo remembered that he is a southpaw, meaning that his lead hand is his right, which hurts his opponents' lefts, which could make Mashiba's Flicker Jabs useless. Ippo knew that Mashiba has his short uppercut, however, he sees one of Rosario's opponents use the technique, and Rosario dodged it with a head slip, stepped inside, and hit him with a jumping left hook.


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In order to get to him he needs to . be strong and fight a lot of demons thus he becomes a demon slayer. After this set up he just fights demons every episode and honestly it gets tiring fast. They decide to fix this repetitiveness by introducing two other main characters who are extremely obnoxious and later by introducing a spider demon who's several times more powerful than Tanjirou and the demons we've seen prior. However the way they handle this demon is done in the worst way possible, first to showcase how powerful he is when Tanjirou goes to cut his spider thread it is the sword that is cut instead and after getting destroyed by the demon, he has a flashback and pulls out a breathing technique called dance of the fire god from his ass, he then oblitirates his opponent with his sword whose blade is now half the length of the hilt. After this I completely gave up on the series, Fairy Tail has better writing than this.
Art / Animation: 8
The reason this series got popular in the first place, I have to admit it's beautiful and the fight scenes are fantastic, I do have a minor issue whenever I see CG Tanjirou walking around but it's otherwise fantastic.
Sound: 6
There's really nothing to complain about but there's not much to praise either. The music is solid and gets the job done but it's also unmemorable. La série de light novel s'est écoulée en 539 277 exemplaires et se classe 5e parmi celles les plus vendus au Japon en 2018, selon une liste qui couvre les ventes sondées du 20 novembre 2017 au 18 novembre 2018[116]. Tensura est à la tête du classement de l'Oricon des light novel les plus vendus en 2019 avec 879 734 exemplaires écoulés[117] ; son adaptation manga principale figure à la 10e place des mangas les plus vendus en 2019 avec 3 414 482 copies écoulées[118]. Pour la première moitié de 2020, l'Oricon classe la série 3e des light novel les plus vendus sur des ventes de 18 novembre 2019 au 17 mai 2020 avec un total de 327 191 exemplaires[119], dont le 16e volume a écoulé 121 268 copies[120]. Notes et références[modifier | modifier le code] (ja) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en japonais intitulé « 転生したらスライムだった件 » (voir la liste des auteurs). Notes[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a et b La première saison est programmée pour la nuit du 1er octobre 2018 à 24 h, soit le 2 octobre 2018 à 0 h JST. Références[modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a et b (ja) Fuse, « 転生したらスライムだった件 », sur Shōsetsuka ni narō (consulté le 7 mars 2018) ↑ a et b (ja) Ichishi Iida, « 意外と知らない.
622 VF UnOrdinary 07/3/2024 Scan UnOrdinary. 328 VF Scan UnOrdinary. 327 VF Scan UnOrdinary. 326 VF Scan UnOrdinary. 325 VF Scan UnOrdinary. 324 VF Kagura Bachi 07/3/2024 Scan Kagura Bachi. 23 (VA) Scan Kagura Bachi. 24 (RAW) Sakamoto Days 07/3/2024 Scan Sakamoto Days. 158 (VA) Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? 07/3/2024 Scan Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?. 72. 2 VF Scan Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?.