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The first, based on Part 3, was simply titled JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, released on November 4, 1993, and written by Mayori Sekijima and Hiroshi Yamaguchi. [60] Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio II: Golden Heart/Golden Ring,[j] written by Gichi Ōtsuka and Miya Shōtarō and based on Part 5, was released on May 28, 2001. [61] Both novels received Italian translations and releases; the first in 2003 with the subtitle The Genesis of Universe,[62] and the second in 2004. [63] In 2000, it was announced that Otsuichi was writing a novel based on Part 4. It proved difficult to complete; in Kono Mystery ga Sugoi! 2005, Otsuichi claimed to have written over 2000 pages, but thrown them all out. [64] His work, The Book: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 4th Another Day, was released on November 26, 2007.That total includes over 400 million copies in circulation in Japan, and over 80 million copies in circulation in over 42 countries and territories outside of Japan. ^ Loo, Egan (July 18, 2021). "One Piece Manga Tops 490 Million in Circulation Worldwide". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on July 19, 2021. Retrieved July 19, 2021.