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Even so, Ueno tells Shoya about what had happened anyway. Shimada is shown at the Coming of Age day, shortly before the manga's end. Keisuke Hirose (広瀬 啓祐, Hirose Keisuke) Shoya's other best friend in elementary school who often goes alongside him in his "life-challenging activities". Like Shimada, Hirose cuts ties with Shoya after Shouko's transfer. Hirose stays close with Shimada (and possibly Ueno as well) after graduation and, along with him, brings Shoya from a river after he falls down from saving Shouko. Takeuchi (竹内) Shoya's teacher at elementary school.

As Mitsuko trips and rides away on a cart of wax drums, she crashes into Andre on the way, spilling the wax as both slide down the school halls. Making haste to Joe's location, Andre peels back his clothing while Joe is offered a cupcake by Sato, Joe's first girl interaction. As he witnesses Joe talking to Sato, he rams into the locker room naked in bondage rope. As Kiyoshi and the others rush to the scene and single him out as the rumored bondage man, Andre receives a severe beating from the locker room girls with a smile on his face. TV drama[edit] A live-action television drama adaptation was announced in August 2015, directed by Noboru Iguchi at production studio Robot. [16] The series premiered on October 26, 2015;[b] and aired on MBS and TBS.


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[24] After the Arlong Park Arc, Nami frequently changes into a variety of clothes in the series for each arc, and usually pairs her tops with skirts that have two rings on the sides. Her trademark shoes are orange high-heeled gladiator sandals. Nami wears some form of high heels in every arc, and while they do make her taller, they do not seem to affect the way she walks or her speed. Though she tends to style her hair neatly, occasionally, a hair on top of her head may form into a messy cowlick. She wears a strap around her thigh with three slots in it which she keeps each pole of her bo staff and later the Clima-Tact in. Before the Timeskip[] Before the Syrup Village Arc, Nami wore her trademark orange miniskirt with two white rings on each side filled in with orange or brown in their centers and shirts with short sleeves that were long enough to hide her tattoo on her left shoulder that showed that she was a member of the Arlong Pirates. She also had short hair with a particularly curled strand over the left side of her face. During the Romance Dawn Arc to the Syrup Village Arc, Nami's initial trademark look consisted of a white and blue striped shirt, her trademark orange mini-skirt and brown high-heeled boots. During the Baratie Arc, she wore a pink shirt with the letters "W" and a lowercase "B" in the center in a circle in white. The shirt has white liners and two lines along the sleeves. She also wore her yellow miniskirt, and brown high-heeled boots. ^ "No Game No Life Anime Gets English Dub". Anime News Network. March 24, 2015. Archived from the original on May 5, 2019. Retrieved July 1, 2015. ^ "New anime licenses for Q1 2015".
There were points in the story where his characterisation legitimately made me angry and made me want to stop watching the show. Some moments were honestly baffling, too, such as how he switches from being completely mind-broken during the events of the fifteenth episode to being totally normal (albeit with a desire for revenge) in the next.
I say all this, but the eighteenth episode is actually one of the best episodes of anime I have seen in quite some time.
Let me explain.
Where the first two thirds of the anime spent its time showcasing unnecessary gore, Subaru's stupidity and empty characters who exist for little more than space on hug pillows and other creepy merchandise, the eighteenth episode redeems the anime and gives meaning to all that has happened, even if it doesn't erase its mistakes. It is an episode dedicated entirely to characterisation. It is a single conversation where Subaru shows remorse for his actions, recognising all the mistakes he has made and why he kept making them. He understands that he is a deeply flawed, broken person incapable of saving anyone or indeed even himself. It is at this moment that Subaru becomes aware of who he is. And you know what? I stopped hating him as a result, even if I still fundamentally disagreed with his actions and his character. He showed himself to be a human being for the first time in the entire story.