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2. A second series titled Hajime no Ippo: New Challenger aired from January to June 2009. A third series Hajime no Ippo: Rising aired from October 2013 to March 2014. In North America, the first series, including the television film, was licensed by Geneon in 2003, which released it under the name Fighting Spirit. It was re-licensed by Discotek Media in 2020, including the television film and the OVA. By July 2023, the manga had over 100 million copies in circulation, making it one of the best-selling manga series of all time. In 1991, Hajime no Ippo won the 15th Kodansha Manga Award in the shōnen category. Plot[edit] Main article: List of Hajime no Ippo characters Ippo Makunouchi is an extremely shy high school student, unable to make friends due to always being busy helping his mother run their family fishing charter business. Because he kept to himself, a group of bullies led by Umezawa got into the habit of picking on him. One day, when these bullies gave him a rather serious beating, a middleweight professional boxer who was passing by stopped them and took the injured Ippo to the Kamogawa Gym (鴨川ボクシングジム, Kamogawa Bokushingu Jimu), owned by retired boxer Genji Kamogawa, to treat his wounds. After Ippo awoke to the sounds of boxers training, the boxer who saved him, Mamoru Takamura, tried to cheer Ippo up by letting him vent his frustrations on a sandbag.1 BleachChapitre 6867. 6 Blue BoxChapitre 1307. 5 Blue ExorcistChapitre 1467. 9 Blue LockChapitre 2479. 5 Blue Lock – Episode NagiChapitre 187. 7 Blue Period.