given anime vietsub cowboy bebop netflix series
, are all completely forgetable but for their designs (the designs clearly came before the characters). The side quests are really forgettable as well, all just exploring very basic and surface level themes. They were all just incredibly mediocre and poorly written.The climax of this season is about the main girl's character. Her character arc is the real point of this season. But this main pillar crumbles only a few episodes after we hear her backstory (which does look to be interesting at first). The whole thing is handled so poorly and the writers clearly can't make anything complex or believable. This character's story is just such an insane planewreck that crashes into heathrow, leveling several terminals and killing thousands. The quasi-normal anime sexual assault that the main boy does to her is just even less forgivable because in the last two episodes the show actually brings up sexual assault and its just so awful. And its like mainly about gender but only the wierdest conception of it. There's nothing wrong with touching these subjects as long as you treat it with respect (the show doesn't).
We never got to know any of them, and their—I hesitate to use the word—personalities don’t play off each other with any more chemistry than you’d expect considering the archetypes they embody. They’re just stock character templates with voice actors and actresses transforming them into cardboard cutouts that just happen to have the ability to speak.
Actually, wrong metaphor there, because cardboard cutouts wouldn’t be off-model nearly as much as these fucking people, and by “people,” I mean crimes against art, and by “art,” I mean shit, and by “shit,” I mean this fucking show. Hopefully you weren’t expecting this show to be well-produced or technically competent, because it isn’t. You’ll probably get used to the hideousness of the visuals just by virtue of how easily your eyes will glaze over, but they still occasionally devolve from unengaging to completely and totally embarrassing, perhaps just to be honest and remind you of the fact you’re watching trash. Every instance of visual flair comes from zooming in on someone's face while they give their biggest, baddest edgelord smile, then applying some digital effect. The incongruity between the staleness of the show and the ridiculously overblown edginess makes for some great laughs, honestly. Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t give Manabu, the useless CG Front Man accompanying the characters, the resounding “fuck you” he deserves. He doesn’t just settle for being the most intrusive piece of CG my eyes have suffered through in a long time, but he also goes the extra mile with shameless animation errors, like losing his shadow during episode two (11:07) or his saber handguard being attached the wrong way during the third game. Episode three was the first time the show fully gave up and started rereading its exposition dumps because it knows half the audience forgot the rules from the previous episode, and I very quickly began contemplating the benefits and drawbacks of buying a gun and painting my walls with bubblegum. There is truly no reason to watch Tomodachi Game, something that clearly exists only to milk money from sales and capitalize on the resurgence of the death game market.