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Counterfeit. As of February 2004, SNK hadn't yet manufactured an MVS version of the game. With SNK back on the scene in North America, Playmore's legal counsel also set its sights on counterfeiters. Going back to 1998, a number of companies had been running lucrative businesses selling liner artwork and rare AES games to hungry NeoGeo fans. The problem is, many of these liners were "custom" reproductions, and some of the rare AES games these companies were selling were not actually manufactured or sanctioned by SNK. They were unauthorized conversions of MVS games mechanically modified to work in AES consoles. During the fall and winter of 2003, SNK Playmore obtained an injunction against a group of four different companies, which resulted in the seizure of hundreds of AES cartridges. The new SNK Playmore logo. In January 2004, SNK reached an agreement with two of these companies, acknowledging their right to sell legitimate AES cartridges and authorized reproductions of liner artwork--while putting an end to their ability to sell modified MVS cartridges for home use. Any legitimate merchandise that was previously seized was returned. Information pertaining to these and other lawsuits can be found on Playmore's press Web page.


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Retrieved September 3, 2011. ^ "JOJO×乙一! ジョジョ4部ノベライズ「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 "The Book"」、11月26日発売!!". atmarkjojo. org (in Japanese). November 25, 2007. Archived from the original on August 12, 2011. Retrieved September 3, 2011. ^ "JOJO×乙一! ジョジョ4部ノベライズ「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 "The Book"」、11月26日発売!!". atmarkjojo. org (in Japanese). November 25, 2007. Neko-san est un excellent outil pour les fans d’anime qui recherchent une plateforme de streaming gratuite et complète. On remarque immédiatement le travail considérable qui a été accompli pour mettre ce site en place. Vous pouvez vous inscrire et profiter des options de planning et de listes, très pratiques pour ne pas avoir à refaire vos recherches à chaque fois que vous souhaitez regarder un épisode. Malgré son statut de développement actif, le site surpasse largement les autres sites d’animes. 25-Nautiljon Nautiljon. com Nautiljon est l’endroit idéal pour les fans d’animes et de mangas.
However, the last two episodes come out of nowhere and taint the pleasant feelings with unpleasant ones to say the least. To make it worse, the unpleasantness goes on too long, the characters move on too quickly for such an experience, and the ending scene with our protagonists seems to act like what happened in the past two episodes were as important as a filler arc, making the characters feel unreal and not human.
The art, shot composition, and audio were all amazing and really caught and kept the viewers attention. The OP and ED were really good, but I have to say that it was really hard to feel the same way about a clearly happy and lighthearted ED after watching episodes 10-12. Things really weren't the same after that. I really wanted to like this show - I really DID like this show - and I was willing to overlook the suboptimal writing if not for the greatly disappointing final episodes.