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Retrieved March 15, 2014. ^ "E3 2018: Jump Force's Death Note Characters Aren't Playable, But Involved For Story". GameSpot. June 14, 2018. Archived from the original on June 18, 2018. Retrieved June 17, 2018.

Part of that agenda was an OST by Sawano Hiroyuki. I could not imagine the world of 86 being animated without an OST from the GOAT himself. Sawano has done the OST for several aniplex mech series so it’s not really a shock that he hopped on 86, but bringing his kouhai Yamamoto Kohta onboard was a pleasant surprise. As you’d expect, the two of them SNAPPED on every track featured in the anime. Both EDs are amazing and several inserts like “The Answer” are on repeat on my phone daily. Could not ask for more.
In closing, 86 has been my favourite Light Novel series for years, and at this point it’s probably safe to say the anime is now my favourite anime series. A-1 put together an all star team of talent to work on this show, took their time and gave us something really special. Even if you don’t normally like mech or science-fiction anime, 86 is well worth a viewing due to the amazing handling of real life themes. In today’s hyper-political and tense times, a story on the dangers of racism and hate couldn’t be more relevant.
Eighty-six gets 10 Para-Raids out of 10.



The explanation of how homunculi come to be in 03 is more scientifically probable, but if the anime had kept following the manga, it would have totally ruined the idea that is stated over and over in the manga: human transmutation is impossible. However, this show didn't follow the manga, so this explanation is acceptable in the context of this show's story. It doesn't really explain why the homunculi tend to work together, though.
And the villain, Dante. We don't know her motives (except maybe jealousy?) or her goals. She's pretty one-dimensional and she doesn't even make an appearance until near the end of the show. All around she was pretty damn boring as a villain. Here, they don't have much of an excuse since Dante isn't in the manga at all, so it's not like she was undeveloped or anything. Villains should always be interesting (not necessarily likeable), but Dante wasn't interesting at all. She showed up, was an evil bitch, did some evil and bitchy things, and nothing else.
And don't even get me started on all the Ed/Rose shipping going on. On ignore l'identité de Jinshi et son véritable rôle à la cour intérieure. Comme on se doute qu'il a un lien avec dame Aduo et son enfant mort trop jeune. On ne sait pas non plus pourquoi on cherche à le tuer dans le tome 2 .
On est donc dans une ambiance de cosy mystery historique, dans une Chine impériale quelque peu fantasmée mais tout de même bien rapportée. le fonctionnement de la cour Intérieure, les connaissances de l'époque, les us et coutumes de la population nous sont ainsi rapportés avec beaucoup de finesse.
Mao Mao est un personnage auquel on s'attache.
co je trouve pratiquement tous les mangas surtout les nouveaux c’est super cool 🤪 allez jeter un coup d’œil. Merci pour la liste 👍 Répondre Frederick Obrien at 1:27 pm Merci pour le lien Rania Répondre Véronique at 7:10 pm ADN c’est une catastrophe scandaleuse j’ai payé et je galère pour tout à boycotter ce sont des escrocs Répondre Frederick Obrien at 7:13 am Malheureusement ADN n’est plus le premier choix. Répondre Répondre Annuler la réponseVotre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. Les champs obligatoires sont indiqués avec *Commentaire * Nom * E-mail * Site web Δ 2. 5K 3 Trucs & Astuces Top 20 Meilleures Alternatives à ChatGPT Le Guide Complet 98. 9K 7 Téléchargement 20 meilleurs site pour télécharger jeux PC gratuits complets 9.