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that Kentarou Miura and Kouji Mori maintained a close friendship from their childhood up until Miura's passing? General Disclaimer BERSERK and all related art, logos, concepts, and other derivatives of Kentarou Miura's creative work included on Berserk Wiki are TM and © of Kentarou Miura and/or Hakusensha. All Rights Reserved. The operation of this website is believed to fall under the United States "fair use" copyright laws. Berserk Wiki is purely an unofficial Berserk encyclopedia, and does not pretend to be official in any way whatsoever. ^ Walter Bennet (sender), Puella (translator). "Writing Miura". "'Falcon' or 'Hawk', both mean [鷹] in Japanese. In some dictionaries, 'Falcon' is translated as [隼(はやぶさ)], but there's almost no difference. I used 'Falcon' from the great name of the 'Millennium Falcon' ship in Star Wars. " SkullKnight. net.La bataille du No man's land de Shinjuku 15 One Punch Man 05/10/2023 #221. Des mondes dont j'ignore tout Kingdom 30/9/2023 #772. La fortune de chacun My Hero Academia hot 29/9/2023 #402. Les jours de larmes Jujutsu Kaisen hot 29/9/2023 #237. La bataille du No man's land de Shinjuku 14 One Piece hot 24/9/2023 #1093. Luffy versus Kizaru My Hero Academia hot 23/9/2023 #401. Le lunatique Jujutsu Kaisen hot 21/9/2023 #236. Aller au sud One Punch Man 21/9/2023 #220. Niveau supérieur Kingdom 21/9/2023 #771. La guerre de la vengeance One Piece hot 17/9/2023 #1092. La folle incursion de Kuma le tyran sur la Terre Sainte Boruto 16/9/2023 #82.