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l'homme Once Upon a Time. Man 1978 Procidis The first Il était une fois.Tapetum Lucidum – A layer of flattened cells located at the rear of the eye found in nocturnal animals. The tapetum lucidum reflects light onto the cornea, increasing light for night vision. Posterior chamber -The space between the lens and the retina containing a clear jelly. Eyelid – The upper and lower folds of skin that cover the eye when it is closed. Anterior chamber – Found between the cornea and the lens. How do cat eyes work? The cat’s eyes work in the same way that human eyes work. Light rays reflect off an object and enter the eye through the cornea, which bends (refracts) light in such a way that they pass through the pupil and through the lens, which changes shape to further bend the rays and focus them on the photosensitive rods and cones located in the retina at the back of the eye. The rods and cones convert the light into electrical impulses which are sent to the brain to produce an image via the optic nerve. Eye signals and behaviour The eyes (along with other visual cues such as the ears and tail) can also give an insight into the mood of your cat. Wide-open (large) pupils suggest strong emotional arousals such as fear or excitement. Small (slit-like) pupils can be indicative of neutral emotions or predatory and aggressive behaviour.