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Crunchyroll. Retrieved April 24, 2023. ^ "スポーツとメディアの関係性 (Relation between sports and media)". students of Rikkyo University. Archived from the original on July 3, 2006. ^ a b Wong, Alex (October 9, 2019). "The comic that sparked Japan's interest in the NBA". Yahoo! Sports. Retrieved June 11, 2023. ^ Takahashi, Azusa (November 5, 2020). "『SLAM DUNK』が追求したリアリティと『黒子のバスケ』が放つエンタメ性 両者の違いを考察".

2Sailor Moon 3. 2. 3Sailor Moon Crystal 3. 2. 4Films and television specials 3. 3Companion books 3. 4Novels 3. 5Stage musicals 3. 6Live-action film & series 3. 6. 1Cancelled Disney film adaptation 3.


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Like the rest of us gearheads who were already familiar with GM's Australian Holden brand, Bob knew about the Monaro and fast-tracked a program to put it on the road for America, thus the 2004-to-2006 Pontiac GTO was born. After a series of LS1 and LS2 powerplants, the GTO's performance role was replaced by the L98-powered G8 GT, another great Pontiac in the GTO tradition, but without the GTO name. In the end, though, Pontiac was put out to pasture in favor of the Buick brand. Will There Ever Be Another GTO?As a brand, Pontiac is gone. When General Motors declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 8, 2009 (the fourth largest in U. S. Monthly Bookscan March List". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on August 19, 2021. Retrieved January 10, 2022. April 2021: Hazra, Adriana (May 9, 2021).