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After repeatedly getting hit with Ricardo's motionless lefts, Ippo managed to get close to Ricardo by blocking some of his punches. In range, Ippo began the Dempsey Roll motion. Before Ippo could even start to throw a punch, he was effortlessly hit repeatedly by Ricardo's lefts until the figure-eight motion stopped and left Ippo standing unconscious and frozen in shock. Noticing Ippo was unconscious, Ricardo walked away and stopped the spar. Kamogawa got Ippo, still unconscious, out of the ring and the two leave the Otowa gym with Ippo realising that the gap between him and the world was huge. Back at his home, Ippo looked into a mirror his face and was shocked on how swollen it looked after Ricardo only used his left. When Ippo returned to the gym, he got immediately kicked out by Takamura, who told him to go see Date and apologise for his performance in the spar. When Ippo arrived outside the Nakadai gym, he looked through the window and discovered that Date was sparring with Miyata. Ippo watched the spar and was shocked to see Miyata easily beaten. Miyata walked outside and was embarrassed that the spar was seen by someone. The two then realised even though one is a Japanese champion and the other is an OPBF champion, they were still so far away and that the world is a big place.Vous avez le choix entre la liste d’animes et la liste de scans de mangas, et vous pouvez ensuite filtrer vos résultats par version française (VF) ou version originale sous-titrée en français (VOSTFR).
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