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La série est produite par le studio E&H Production, connu pour son travail sur "Jujutsu Kaisen", et est prévue pour une sortie sur Netflix en janvier 2024. Le personnage de Ryûma, introduit plus tard dans "One Piece" sous la forme d'un zombie, est au cœur de cette histoire. La série promet d'explorer les origines de ce personnage légendaire et de mélanger les deux univers de manière créative et captivante. "MONSTERS : L'Enfer du dragon volant aux 103 passions" est attendue avec impatience par les fans de "One Piece" et les amateurs d'anime en général. Elle promet d'être une aventure épique, mêlant action, mystère et fantastique, tout en enrichissant l'univers déjà riche créé par Eiichiro Oda. Production : chronologie, actualités et mises à jour 22 juillet 2023 La nouvelle "Monsters" d'Eiichiro Oda sera adaptée en anime pour Netflix, et sortira le 21 janvier 2024. (Source : Anime News Network) 22 juillet 2023 On apprend que Monsters a été publié par Shueisha en 1994 dans le légendaire Weekly Shonen Jump. (Source : Oricon News) 15 décembre 2023 Sunghoo Park est à la réalisation et c'est studio E&H qui s'occupe de la production. Takashi Kojima est character designer, Fuminao Akai est directeur artistique. (Source : Natalie) 16 janvier 2024 "Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation", le prequel de "One Piece" en anime, a révélé sa première bande-annonce impressionnante. Le film, qui sortira le 21 janvier sur Netflix en Occident et le 22 janvier au Japon, se concentre sur la vie du samouraï Ryuma avant son apparition dans l'arc Thriller Bark de "One Piece".

Public opinion in Japan had turned against China, and Ghibli's distributor felt a film partly set there was too risky. [65] 2005 live-action version[edit] Main article: Grave of the Fireflies (2005 film) NTV in Japan produced a live-action TV drama of Grave of the Fireflies, in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II. The drama aired on 1 November 2005. Like the anime, the live-action version of Grave of the Fireflies focuses on two siblings struggling to survive the final months of the war in Kobe, Japan. Unlike the animated version, it tells the story from the point of view of their cousin (the aunt's daughter) and deals with the issue of how the war-time environment could change a kind lady into a hard-hearted woman. It stars Nanako Matsushima as the aunt, as well as Mao Inoue as their cousin.


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I would also love to shout out Hirotaka Mori, since it was his directorial debut in the anime sphere.
The characters were quite a strong part of the series as well, with Kiruko and Maru’s relationship and chemistry being quite the highlight of the show. The dialogue between them felt quite natural and organic, like bros just having a great time together, rather than forcing romance into the dynamic in a contrived manner. That said, as this show has quite a focus on human nature, there is an element of romance there, but it’s more that the show tries to explore human emotions, sexuality, and gender, so how the relationship is handled is quite natural and interesting to watch. They both have past traumas, and I have stated in my past reviews about my disdain for “sob story backstories”— but when an anime can build upon the traumatic past with developments in the present time, it can work well. In this case, it was handled quite well in this anime to create a coming of age narrative for the protagonists, as they tried to find meaning in this mess of a world they found themselves in. The children in the nursery admittedly were quite abundant and difficult to follow along at times, but with some thought, some of them still ended up being very endearing in their own ways along with the protagonists of the outside world.
Among the popular hitters like Oshi no Ko, Hell’s Paradise, and Demon Slayer, Tengoku Daimakyo has gone a bit under the radar, but I’m glad many people gave it a shot. It’s something a bit different, very thought-provoking, emotional, and something that will be quite memorable to me for quite a while. That said, while it’s one of the best anime of this season in my opinion, it’s nowhere near finished, so as the kids say, let it cook, and we may be in for another masterclass when the time comes for a sequel, which I hope we’ll get, even if it takes a while. ^ a b Japan Expo Awards 2018: "Japan Expo Awards 2018 : la sélection anime". manga-news. com (in French). December 19, 2017. Archived from the original on July 10, 2021. "Japan Expo Awards 2018 : la sélection manga".
In fact, the industry titans who devoted their lives to the world of computing worked hard to overcome this stigma. It’s amazing to think how we’ve come from then. Today some people actually feel anxiety when they don't have their personal devices. One of the first famous uses of computers in the US was back in 1890 when the Automatic Electrical Tabulating Machine calculated data for over 60 million Americans. In the 1940s, the Bombes and Colossus computers decrypted German codes during World War II. The 1950s welcomed the first commercial computers, like the Zuse 3 and UNIVAC, for arithmetic operations.