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Anime News Network. May 15, 2012. Archived from the original on June 3, 2013. Retrieved April 7, 2013. ^ "Japanese Comic Ranking, September 17–23". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 15, 2020. Retrieved December 15, 2020. ^ 「聖地巡礼」も変えた鬼滅の刃 作品に出てないのにファンが〝認定〟 町おこしにつながるヒントがありました。. withnews (in Japanese). The Asahi Shimbun.


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"Waiting For Spring" (春を待つ, Haru o Matsu) 50. "First Love" (初恋, Hatsukoi) 51. "A Heroine In Hell" (少女と修羅, Shōjo to Shura) 52. "Rift" (罅, Hibi) 53. "Maneuvering" (蠢動, Shundō) 54. "Farce" (茶番, Chaban) 55. "Embrace" (抱擁, Hōyō) 56. "Bonds" (絆, Kizuna) 57. "Death" (死, Shi) 7 December 17, 2021[20]978-4-08-892163-1—— 58. "Cradle" (ゆりかご, Yurikago) 59. "The Boy's Sin" (少年の罪, Shōnen no Tsumi) 60. While the show doesn’t develop his character as much as the others, he brings a unique form of fighting and charisma. And we shouldn’t forget about Genya since he first appeared in the show. Known for its foul mouth and killing desire, one should wonder how much he can really fit the role as a demon slayer. It helps that Kimetsu no Yaiba features a diverse cast of characters who are all unique on their own. On the other hand, the same principle may not apply entirely for the demons. Truth to be told, most of the demons in the show has a rather one sided personality. Most of them are known for their bloodlust and urge to kill. It’s a primary factor that can make the demons more forgettable compared to the human characters. Outside of Kibutsuji, it’s really hard to say any of these demons are actually worth remembering for this adaptation. If in the future when this gets more animated episodes, they could be worth mentioning.
Yet, ufotable is well worth mentioning again for their stellar animation and character work.
Episode 30: Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 13, 2021). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, November 1–7". Anime News Network. Retrieved December 17, 2022. Episode 31: Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 20, 2021). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, November 8–14". Anime News Network. Retrieved December 17, 2022. Episode 32: Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 27, 2021). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, November 15–21". Anime News Network.