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2 billion up until 2008. Initial D Fifth Stage (2012) sold 157,598 home video units, grossing ¥408. 3 million. [43] In Japan, the live-action Hong Kong film sold 250,000 DVD units, grossing approximately ¥998 million ($13 million). [44] In total, the franchise has sold approximately 1. 41 million video units in Japan, grossing approximately ¥6.

Syon Park House Estate à Londres et Badminton House dans le Gloucestershire constituaient le reste du domaine. Le domaine Clyvedon de Simon a été tourné au Château Howard dans le Yorkshire du Nord pour l'extérieur[15]. Pour le village de Clyvedo c'est le petit village de Coneysthorpe qui a été utilisé. Le Château Howard fournit le décor de plusieurs scènes pour le domaine du Duc de Hastings. L'entrée de l'extérieur du domaine du Duc de Hastings. Le Temple des Quatre Vents, utilisé pour le tournage. Le grand hall d'entrée. Holburne Museum a servi pour le site du domaine de Lady Danbury. Pour le tournage de l'emplacement de ses bals, les jardins de Vauxhall ont été utilisés. L'équipe de production l'a recréé en combinant les parties restantes avec le Château Howard et le Stowe Park à Buckinghamshire[16]. Anthony Bridgerton et Simon Basset se rencontrent dans le vraie vie au Reform Club sur Pall Mall dans le centre de Londres[17].


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In the fourth and last round, Kobashi began to throw more punches than usual, hoping for a KO win after hitting with s clean one-two, Ippo saw an opening and threw a clean hit to the face that downed Kobashi. As Kobashi was unable to stand, Ippo won the match. Ippo then watched Takamura's match against Yoshiaki Yajima. When Takamura went down, Ippo and the others cheers helped Takamura stand back up. The match then ended with Takamura winning. Rookie King Tournament: Finals Arc Ippo fighting Hayami. At school, Ippo attended a teacher's conference about his future. Ippo declined his teacher's request of going to college, wanting to stick with boxing. Later, Ippo saw Kobashi, who informed Ippo that he couldn't find any way of winning against Hayami or his Shotgun. At the Kamogawa gym, Kamogawa theorised that Hayami's Shotgun must tire himself out, suggesting that would be the moment Ippo should strike. Ippo began defensive training in order to dodge Hayami's Shotgun. Retrieved October 12, 2023. ^ 幽・遊・白書 公式キャラクターズブック 霊界紳士録 [Official Yū Yū Hakusho Who's Who Underworld Character Book] (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on January 12, 2018. Retrieved December 4, 2009. ^ 冨樫義博 幽・遊・白書画集 [Yoshihiro Togashi Yū Yū Hakusho Illustrations] (in Japanese).
"Our Souls at Night" (우리의 밤[c])Lee Chi-hoonPark Sung-ilSondia4:442. "Our Souls at Night" (Inst. ) Park Sung-il 4:44Total length:9:28 Part 5[edit] Released on February 14, 2020 (2020-02-14)[46]No. TitleLyricsMusicArtistLength1. "You Make Me Back"Oh Hyun-jooKim Jin-hoonKim Jin-hoonWoosung (The Rose)3:152. "You Make Me Back" (Inst.