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1. “La forêt” (The Forest)Genre: Crime thriller“The Forest” is a crime thriller miniseries that revolves around the disappearance of Jennifer, a teenage girl, in a forest. Located in the Ardennes, the forest has been surrounded by mystery for years ever since a little girl came out of it. The reason? Nobody knew her or where she’d come from. During the years, the forest has also “taken” other girls, so a police investigation ensues right away in order to try to find Jennifer alive. As the investigation goes on, a lot of secrets and mysteries about the forest get uncovered, some of them worthy of having a whole spin-off for themselves.Anime News Network. Retrieved February 12, 2014. ^ Thompson, Jason (October 20, 2011). "Alien Nine - Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga". Anime News Network. Retrieved February 12, 2014. ^ Thompson, Jason (October 20, 2011). "Alien Nine - Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga". Anime News Network. Retrieved February 12, 2014. ^ "BAKI - The Fall 2018 Manga Guide".