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March 23, 2021. Retrieved June 9, 2023. ^ "Castlevania Season 4 Sets Blu-ray Release Date in New Promo". comicbook. com. Retrieved June 9, 2023. July 2023: Hazra, Adriana (July 16, 2023). "Dragon Ball Super, 'Goodbye, Eri,' Demon Slayer Rank on NYT July Bestseller List". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on July 16, 2023. Retrieved July 16, 2023.


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Archived from the original on June 28, 2020. Retrieved June 28, 2020. ^ "Berserk Resumes Serialization". ComiPress. December 23, 2006. Archived from the original on June 28, 2021. Retrieved November 13, 2020. ^ Mateo, Alex (July 7, 2021). "Shangri-La Frontier Manga Streams Anime Promotional Video". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on July 7, 2021. Volume 7, Issue 12. December 2009. 32. ^ a b "2 Anime directors' Interview". Shonen Jump. Vol. 2, no. 10. Kadokawa Shoten. October 2003. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Roman 2007, p.
Baki ends up losing to Yuujirou when they have a punch-out until one falls, although there is still enough of a difference between them that Yuujirou is able to stop and let Baki attack him, as Baki is no longer able to effectively fight due to injuries and exhaustion. However, Yuujirou admits in the end, that he can no longer be called the only strongest creature alive, as Baki is worthy of being considered Yuujirou's equal due to him forcing him to use more effort than he had in the past. The hand-to-hand combat techniques used by Baki are also varied in nature. Which are developed and expanded throughout the series, his combat style is clearly mixed martial arts integrating movements of various doctrines this would be mainly karate and pro wrestling, and in his minority judo, kempo, jujutsu, this includes both original movements and movements of his previous rivals and opponents obtained through his training, creativity and experience. He is known for his unusual training methods which include shadow boxing while imagining that his next opponent is actually with him. This allows him to anticipate every move of his opponent in the actual fight and also helps him spot their weaknesses much before the combat. Despite not being able master any style of combat instantly like his father, Baki is able to learn them much faster that others and coupled with his imagining make him near equal to Yuujirou. Techniques[] Eye-Poke – used against Yasha-Zaru. Endorphin – used against Yasha-Zaru for the first time. Death Concentration – used against Yasha-Zaru for the first time. Ippon Ken – used against Kaoru Hanayama.