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And it is this extreme sense of comradry that makes you fall in love with the characters and wish you could be a part of the strange little group.It also teaches how humans are allowed to have flaws; in fact, all people do: seemingly perfect Swordsman and first mate Roronoa Zoro has no sense of direction whatsoever and can easily get himself lost on any one way street, navigator Nami is absolutely crazy for money, cook Sanji loses his mind once he sees a lady. and the list goes on and on. But despite these flaws, they continue fighting. For each other and with each other. If one crewmember can't do it, somebody else will be right there for support.
If you're looking for a funny, action-filled series whose main characters easily grow to your heart and feel like family: go for One Piece. You will not regret it!helpful•19222Tifa128Sep 29, 2006Top picksSign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendationsSign inLatest Anime PostersLatest Anime PostersSee the latest and greatest posters for new and upcoming anime series. See the postersPhotosFAQ44How many seasons does One Piece have?Powered by AlexaWhat is the currency in the One Piece world?What are the five major oceans in the One Piece world?What's up with the guy who looks like a panda who appears in the background in most of the episodes?DetailsEditRelease dateJuly 22, 2001 (Taiwan)Country of originJapanOfficial siteOfficial siteLanguageJapaneseAlso known as海賊王Production companyToei AnimationSee more company credits at IMDbProTechnical specsEditRuntime24 minutesColorColorSound mixStereoDolby DigitalRelated newsContribute to this pageSuggest an edit or add missing contentIMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our dataLearn more about contributingEdit pageAdd episodeMore to explorePhotosThe Most Searched Stars on IMDbSee the galleryListIMDb Staff's Favorite FIlms Directed by WomenSee our picksListHillary's 6 Picks for March and BeyondSee the full listRecently viewedYou have no recently viewed pagesGet the IMDb AppSign in for more accessSign in for more accessGet the IMDb AppHelpSite IndexIMDbProBox Office MojoIMDb DeveloperPress RoomAdvertisingJobsConditions of UsePrivacy PolicyYour Ads Privacy ChoicesIMDb, an Amazon company© 1990-2024 by IMDb. com, Inc.
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