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Andy decides the best plan is to infiltrate the manga's production office with a copy of their own manga. Together with other Union members, Fuuko creates her own manga about the first time she and Andy met titled Undead + Unluck. Fuuko heads into the office and convinces her tour guide, Tahioka, to allow her to see the raw manuscript, confirming its creation via an Artifact. She also learns that there are other story arcs that were not published that talks about Billy's betrayal, the four active quests, and Andy's past. Tahioka then calls Anno Un and allows Fuuko to talk to them to set up a meeting in Canada. Fuuko leaves the office as Nico erases all memory of her being there.Learn more about Teams Get early access and see previews of new features. Learn more about Labs Where does 'Hello world' come from? Ask Question Asked 15 years ago Modified 5 months ago Viewed 84k times 120 'hello, world' is usually the first example for any programming language. I've always wondered where this sentence came from and where was it first used. I've once been told that it was the first sentence ever to be displayed on a computer screen, but I've not been able to find any reference to this. So my question is:
Where does the practice to use 'hello, world' as the first example for computer languages originate from?
Where was it first used? Update
Although the answers are quite interesting, I should have noted that I had read the Wikipedia article. It does answer the question about the first use in literature, but does not answer when 'hello world' was first used.