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Retrieved September 24, 2021. ^ "Akira Vol. 3 TPB". Dark Horse Comics. Retrieved May 19, 2014. ^ "Akira Volume 3".


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7. 1Manga 3. 1. 1Other series 3. 2Anime 3. 2. 2 Great Chinese Challenge Saga 3. 2. 3 Godlike Clash of the Kids Saga 3. 3 Hanma Baki 3. 3. See my guide to Taiwan’s cherry blossom hotspots for more info. From Tamsui, catch a bus to beaches on the North Coast like Qianshuiwan and Baishawan. Also visit the northern tip of Taiwan at Fugui Cape and the stunning Laomei Green Reef beside it. For off-the-beaten-path attractions, consider Yuandao Guanyin Temple (緣道觀音廟) and Fudingshan Shell and Coral Temple (福頂山寺/貝殼廟) by car or scooter. “Futuro House” on Wanli Beach From Keelung city, access attractions on the northeastern coast like Juming Museum, Yehliu Geopark, Guihou Fishing Harbor (for fresh seafood), the unusual UFO Futuro Houses on Wanli Beach, and Dawulun Beach. Yangmingshan National Park is shared by Taipei City and New Taipei City. Top attractions there include cherry blossoms at Flower Clock (late February to early March), calla lily viewing at Zhuzihu (April), hot springs (Lengshuikeng), volcanic fumaroles at Xiaoyoukeng, and numerous great hikes. Most of these are actually in the Taipei side of the park, though. Eastern New Taipei City Golden Waterfall Some of the hottest destinations in the Greater Taipei Area lie in Eastern New Taipei City. Chief among them is Jiufen Old Street, an atmospheric former gold mining village. Amei Teahouse is the most popular stop there.
Archived from the original on October 10, 2017. Retrieved September 19, 2020. ^ テレビ朝日『国民15万人がガチで投票!漫画総選挙』ランキング結果まとめ! 栄えある1位に輝く漫画は!?. animate Times (in Japanese). Animate. January 3, 2021.