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The series continues episodically with a series of story arcs based around Rudeus' work with Orsted to ensure the Human's precise demise, as well as his daily life and growing family. Finally, after a large-scale attack on Rudeus' life fails, the Human gives up on his plans against him, opting to scheme against Rudeus's descendants instead. In the end, Rudeus lives the rest of his life peacefully before his natural death at the age of 74. Production[edit] After graduating university in 2007, Rifujin na Magonote began submitting manuscripts to publishers, but after getting no results, he quit wanting to become an author. [4] Some years later, he was reading Kanekiru Kogitsune's Re:Monster where he learned of the web fiction website Shōsetsuka ni Narō. After reading some of the serials on the website, thinking he would not be ridiculed for his writing, he began submitting there. [4] Rifujin na Magonote said it was a little strange for the hero who had ruined his entire life because of his failure at school in his life to call the school "a place where he can fail". Rifujin na Magonote had thought that he should give such impression. However, he also wanted to depict a student who fails at school trying to have another chance at life through this series. [5][4] The setting of the work was created by adding elements of other Naro-kei works that were already popular to the story that he had wanted to write for a long time. [4] From that time on, so-called Isekai stories were popular, and the approach was "If I were you, I would do this", such as "If I'm going to be reincarnated, I should write about my childhood properly" or "Is it possible to make use of the settings before reincarnation?" The author thought about it.Meanwhile, Dororo was considered an easier work to design than Hyakkimaru. Kobayashi said whether somebody writes a scenario or direct it, the work will change completely with just one piece of music. This time, Dororo was a work that tries to draw with as few lines as possible, so it was nicely enlivened with heavy music. Kobayashi was impressed that he felt it amazing. Asada considered the work as an historical drama. Since Hykakimaru was too different from Tezuka's work, the recovery of his body became the focus of the narrative and have his first line in the fifth episode.