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It’s lacking in all but one aspect, which is the pacing. I think everyone and their mother have commented that every episode feels like it only lasts 5-10 minutes, it’s very engaging. But outside of pacing, the direction isn’t all that much. The series director is Omata Shin’ichi, a Studio Shaft graduate also known for Kaguya-sama and Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. You can clearly see this with the visuals of the show being full of recognizable “shaftisms,” yet those feel like mechanical surface copying without any underlying substance, especially when measured against other ex-Shaft directors such as Itamura Tomoyuki (Vanitas and Youfkashi no Uta) whose “shaftisms” look like a genuine artistic vision.
For example, the "glitchy green screen" and the "archaic wipe transition" effects are just failed "ironically bad" stylizations. Because stylizations are supposed to have style to them, there is nothing stylish about a wipe transition, anyone can do them in Windows Movie Maker, it takes no thought or effort. And wtf do green screen effects have to do with a murder mystery set in the XIX century? It's the last genre you'd expect to see CGI special effects in, there is no thematic connection, again, it's just pretentiousness.
The director also took the worst possible lesson one could take from working on the Monogatari franchise: how to fuck up the narrative by arbitrarily changing the arc order. The anime starts with an (original?) lore-dump episode that irreparably ruins the actual first arc of the story (episodes 2-4 of the anime) by retroactively turning all the plot points revealed there (for the first time, in the proper order) into pointless repetition (like the reveal of which exact supernatural beings the main couple are), as well as deflating many intended to be tense moments (like when the main character who’s been acting as a goofy clown for the entire arc reveals himself to be an insanely strong fighter in the arc finale - but we’ve already been spoiled on that by the first episode).
And then there are fight scenes that are pure cringe, with characters double and triple jumping in the air as if it’s a match of Super Smash Bros. Hell, san is even for that awkward space where you’ve hung out with someone a couple times, but you’re not really sure if you’re friends yet. When someone tells you to drop the “san“—as happens in a handful of anime—it’s a big deal. It means either that person wants to be treated casually, or it’s a sign that a friendship is becoming closer. In peer situations—like between two kids who are good friends—the use of san can come off as reverential, but that’s not usually the case. Kun Kun is one of the gender-associated honorifics. It’s much more casual than san and is typically used for young or teenage boys—”Shinji-kun!” or “Kawaoru-kun!,” for example. However, you can use kun for a girl you’re very close to. Actually, kun is a good choice in general for people who are close to you. I (half-jokingly) refer to my partner with “kun” when talking to Japanese friends and associates. It’s also a good choice for people (men, in particular) of lower or equal status to you at work or school. In romance anime, in particular, you can be very clued into social subtext by keeping track of a character’s progression from san to kun to no honorifics at all.
The first type is the Hero Agency Internships in which the Pro Heroes can send a request to students whom wish to work under them, such as in the aftermath of the Sports Festival. It involves a student shadowing a Pro Hero, listening to their advice, and watching them in action for a week. Since the students are unlicensed, they cannot legally work as heroes. The second type is the Hero Work-Study, where, after a student acquires a Hero License after passing the Provisional Hero License Exam, they are treated as real sidekicks, which allows them to participate in relief efforts during emergency situations. This also allows them to gain experience and can help them get noticed by other Pro Heroes who might hire them as full-time sidekicks once they graduate. Plot Main article: List of My Hero Academia characters Izuku Midoriya is a young man who dreams of becoming a Hero despite being bullied by his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo for lacking a Quirk. After an encounter with his idol, All Might, who is the world's greatest hero, Izuku is chosen by All Might to inherit his Quirk "One For All" (which gives him the ability to stockpile his raw power and pass it on to others) and become his successor, as All Might was severely injured by his arch-nemesis All For One (whose Quirk allows him to steal other Quirks for his use and pass them over to others at his will). Izuku begins attending the U. A. High School for heroes alongside Bakugo. Over the course of the school year, Izuku and his classmates work hard to improve themselves and encounter the League of Villains led by All For One's apprentice Tomura Shigaraki, who desires to kill All Might and destroy society through the use of monsters with multiple powers known as "Nomu".