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The place we started in episode 2 is almost the same as we were at the end of episode 13. The anime consists of 3 arcs, but at the end of the day none of them contributed much, if at all, to the grand plot. Which leads me to my second point.Another main problem is that the anime arcs were too different from each other and did not really know what they wanted to do. The anime tried to mix a detective mystery with an action show, which led to a tonal whiplash and in the end it just was not very good. The first arc for example was almost exclusively a mystery-detective style with no action, but then the second one did not have much of a mystery and was full of fights, and the third arc mixes both.
The character cast was colorful and we had a lot of interesting different characters which was nice, but at the same time most of them were not really that memorable as they did not have enough screen time or story rather than just being tagged from the "villain group" or any other group. Many were also chained to their respective arc and did not play a bigger role in the anime as a whole.
Finally, I do want to commend some parts of the OST and the cool OP song, and commend a few cool fighting scenes we had.
In short, it was an entertaining watch for its mystery aspect and some fights separately, but when combined together it all fell apart and led to a very mediocre product.
6/10 Reviewer’s Rating: 6 What did you think of this review? Nice 0 Love it 0 Funny 0 Confusing 0 Informative 0 Well-written 0 Creative 0More reviews by dadnaya (57) Show allRead moreShow lessOpen Gift Report Oct 4, 2023 ExemplarCayman Not Recommended What I expected after the first episode - Discount Bakemonogatari.
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