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With her support, Bell embarks on a fantastic quest as he ventures deep within the city's monster-filled catacombs, known only as the "Dungeon. " Death lurks around every corner in the cavernous depths of this terrifying labyrinth, and a mysterious power moves amidst the shadows.
Even on the surface, survival is a hard-earned privilege. Indeed, nothing is ever certain in a world where gods and humans live and work together, especially when they often struggle to get along. One thing is for sure, though: a myriad of blunders, triumphs and friendships awaits the dauntlessly optimistic protagonist of this herculean tale.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]EditBackgroundThe series adapts the first 5 novels of Fujino Omori's light novel series of the same title.

Nintendo World Report. Archived from the original on March 2, 2012. Retrieved September 6, 2009. ^ Funky Zealot (November 18, 2004). "Atari Ships Yu Yu Hakusho: Tournament Tactics for GBA". GamePro. Archived from the original on June 7, 2011. Retrieved December 19, 2009. ^ "Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament Released". Gamers Hell. September 28, 2004.


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[21][18] Anime[edit] Main article: List of Akame ga Kill! episodes An anime television series adaptation of the manga was announced in January 2014. [1][22] The teaser site of the series was opened on January 21, 2014. [23] The series was directed by Tomoki Kobayashi and written by Makoto Uezu. [24] Takahiro also supervised the scenario. Taku Iwasaki composed the series' music. The series was broadcast on Tokyo MX, MBS and BS11 from July 7 to December 15, 2014.