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It’s one thing to engage the viewer through needless fan-service, but there are limits one can go before coming off as ridiculous. Kill la Kill, another studio Trigger production, already ingratiated the anime community to the concept of excessive lasciviousness, the difference being: they did so with a self-deprecating tone. This show, on the other hand, is treating the matter with solemnity; and sure, they attempt to shoehorn in a half-assed explanation, but the whole immortality subtlety doesn’t fit well with the predetermined conclusion. Immortality, as a concept, lends itself to numerous paths of intrigue about the overall worth of life, the monotony of existence, and the deterioration of cognitive faculties. Alas, Darling in the FranXX (i. e. the son of a mule driver who uses a packsaddle for a pillow and is gone by morning). See bastard in the Oxford Advanced American DictionaryCheck pronunciation: bastard Nearby words bassoon noun bassoonist noun bastard noun bastardize verb baste verb justification noun From the Word list OPAL written words Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Word of the Day Oxford Learner's Dictionaries Browse Dictionaries & Grammar Search Box System Requirements Contact Us More from us Oxford Learner's Dictionaries API English Language Teaching Oxford Teacher's Club Oxford Learner's Bookshelf Oxford Languages Who we are About Us Our history Annual report The way we work Working for OUP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Consent Management Terms & Conditions Accessibility Legal Notice English (UK) English (US) © 2024 Oxford University Press bastard - WordReference. com Dictionary of English WordReference. com | Online Language Dictionaries English Dictionary | bastard × English definition English synonyms English-Spanish English-French English-Italian Spanish-English French-English Italian-English Spanish-French French-Spanish Spanish-Portuguese Portuguese-Spanish Español: definición Español: sinónimos Español: gramática Català: definició more.In round five, Ippo successfully blocked Date's Corkscrew Blows out of pure faith in Kamogawa. Ippo and Date had a battle of exchanges, with Ippo eventually leaning on Date and attacking him. When Date got far enough away from Ippo, Ippo fell from his own weight, resulting in himself getting downed. Ippo slowly got up, looking for Date. When he found Date, Ippo walked up to him, and, after a quick exchange, readied a liver blow. Seeing this, Date stepped back and landed the Heart Break Shot on Ippo.