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That just leaves the music, which is somehow my least favorite part of the show. The background OST has decent tone-setting tracks, but nothing memorable. Half the time, I didn’t even know there was a soundtrack. Then we have the OPs and EDs. I hate them all to varying degrees. The vocals in all of them are unbelievably grating, especially the first OP, which is probably one of my most hated anime songs of all time, let alone this year.

When he saw the new technique, Ippo believed that Kimura's overhand could even reach Mashiba's jaw. Ippo watching Kimura's match against Mashiba. When the day of Kimura's title match arrived, Ippo and everyone else went into Kimura's room, where Kimura informed everyone that if he loses, he would retire. With Ippo visibly upset, Kimura vowed to become the champion and be even with him again. Ippo then watched the match where Kimura lost in the ninth round. While reporters were talking to Kimura, Ippo listened as Kimura told them that he has retired. At the Kamogawa gym, Ippo realised that, like him, Aoki and Takamura seemed saddened by Kimura's retirement. He then told the two how his mother named his puppy Wanpo as a pun of his own name. When Wanpo went outside the gym and barked, Ippo and the others went outside and saw Kimura. Kimura then announced that he would come back by changing his given name from kanji to katakana. First Step Arc Ippo meeting Sanada.


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164"Why Don't You Come Inside, Senpai-kun?"
Transliteration: "Agattettekureta Maeyo, Senpai-kun♡" (Japanese: 上がってってくれたまえよ センパイ君♡)Nanako ShimazakiTaku KishimotoJanuary 29, 2023 (2023-01-29) Senpai visits Nagatoro's home to deliver handouts from school. Her sister lets him in and decides to mess with both him and Nagatoro. 175"So This Is Your Room, Huh, Senpai?"
Transliteration: "Koko ga Senpai no Heya Sukaー" (Japanese: ここがセンパイの部屋っスかー)Akira ManoTaku KishimotoFebruary 5, 2023 (2023-02-05) Senpai gets sick, so Nagatoro comes over to check on him. His family happens not to be home. 186"How Are Your Fortunes This Year, Senpai?"
Transliteration: "Sā Senpai no Kotoshi no Unsei wa~?" (Japanese: さあセンパイの今年の運勢は~?)Kazuya MihashiTaku KishimotoFebruary 12, 2023 (2023-02-12) Senpai has a Christmas gift for Nagatoro, but The Friends get in the way of him handing it to her. 197"I Figured That's How You'd Ski, Senpai"
Transliteration: "Senpai no Suberi-tte Yappa Sonna Kanjinan Sune" (Japanese: センパイの滑りってやっぱそんな感じなんスね)Yasuyuki FuseTaku KishimotoFebruary 19, 2023 (2023-02-19) Senpai, Nagatoro and their classmates go skiing. Nagatoro is a good skier, but Senpai doesn't fail to disappoint. In an effort to both help and spend time with Senpai, Nagatoro offers to teach him how to ski. This helps him improve and even impress her a little when he saves a child from running into a tree. Emboldened, Senpai accepts his friend's requests to teach them how to ski as well. Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code] À 17 ans, Mao Mao a une vie compliquée. Formée dès son jeune âge par un apothicaire du quartier des plaisirs, elle se retrouve enlevée et vendue comme servante dans le quartier des femmes du palais impérial. Entouré de hauts murs, il est coupé du monde extérieur. Afin de survivre dans cette prison de luxe grouillant de complots et de basses manœuvres, la jeune fille tente de cacher ses connaissances pour se fondre dans la masse. Mais quand les morts suspectes de princes nouveau-nés mettent la cour en émoi, sa passion pour les poisons prend le dessus. Elle observe, enquête et trouve la solution. En voulant bien faire, la voilà repérée. Jinshi, haut fonctionnaire aussi beau que calculateur, devine son talent et la promeut goûteuse personnelle d'une des favorites de l'empereur. Au beau milieu de ce nid de serpents, Mao Mao va utiliser toute son intelligence et tout son savoir pour démêler les intrigues de la cour car le moindre faux pas peut lui être fatal[2]. Personnages[modifier | modifier le code] Mao Mao (猫猫?) Voix japonaise : Aoi Yūki[3],[4] (Drama CD, Anime), voix française : Émilie Rault[5],[6] Fille d'un apothicaire vivant à la périphérie de la ville et âgée de 17 ans à peine, Mao Mao travaille au service de courtisanes dans le quartier des plaisirs. Sa vie bascule quand elle est kidnappée par des bandits qui la vendent au palais impérial.
The most obvious for me is the fact they never contact each other, even when they are switching bodies. I know my very first question would be, who the hell are you? The film is ambitious and it is a lot of fun narratively, not a lot of films these days would create something this unique. The success shows you the demand for original content in this Hollywood consuming world. I couldn't get past a lot the storyline failings but there is something here for the average film buff. 05-02-2018. Show Less Show More brendan n Super Reviewer Nov 08, 2017 The movie is often over-explaining itself, but there are so many moments that come together beautifully.